Lando Norris [31+44]

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A/N Wished by butyouplaying. I hope you like it! Installing the sims right now cause I am bored :D

BOOKS with him:
Learning to Love

WORDS: 829

The relationship with Lando hasn't been as perfect as it was in the beginning over the last weeks. We where both busy with our jobs, him travelling around the world to race while I travel in different countries for my model agency, fulfilling jobs for them.

Our lack of time had led to many fights already and they always end with me leaving and not coming back for a couple of days until both have calmed properly and go back to normal. We rarely talk with each other and just live side by side without really interacting with the other. It is hard and sometimes I don't think we can continue like this, but I was too scared to talk with Lando about my thoughts.

"We have this dinner on Sunday, would you like to come?" Lando suddenly speaks up, ripping me out of my thoughts. We are at his, in his living room but sitting wide apart and not touching each other. It is weird but as I said I never gathered enough courage to speak with him about a possible ending of this relationship.

"Oh, I have a shooting in Spain on this weekend." I frown, unhappy that I can't accompany him and have to work. Normally I like these dinners and they are always quite fun, but I can't decide when I am working and when not. Well, sometimes I can ask for having a special day blocked but the agency I am working with is rather strict.

"Of course, you have." Lando huffs and starts to scroll trough his phone. I roll my eyes at his behaviour because I already know where this conversation will lead us but maybe we are accursed to fight at every given opportunity.

"Lando it is not my fault that my agent booked this shooting." I sight and try to get his attention, but he is not willing to lift his head to look at me and continues to look down on his phone which isn't even unlocked and just a black screen.

"Sure, it is just that you know that I have some free time now and you still disappear instead of spending time with me." He growls unhappy and crosses his arms in front of his chest. I hate that we always fight but it seems like we can't get trough a whole day without at least one fight

"I think I should leave." I mumble, not wanting that this fight is escalating again and prevent us from turning in circles again and again. It is always the same pattern, we fight, not talk to each other for a few days and than I come back to him, and we just go on without really talking about what happened.

"Yeah, do what you always do. Run away from your problems." Lando now says a bit louder, making me flinch. We are both unhappy in this relationship and maybe this is the right day to finally talk and end things if we can't find a solution.

"What would you do if I didn't come back?" Are my words while I cross my arms in front of my chest in a protective manner. The decision to finally speak up was good even now I am a bit scared of Lando's reaction. What if he gets angry with me for even considering the end of our relationship?

"What do you mean?" Lando asks, frowning confused and now he finally looks at me. His eyes are tired and but there is also a hint of fear in his eyes. Something like he seems to know to what outcome this conversation would lead us.

"I can't continue fighting with you over the lack of time we are able to spend together. Sometimes I think of not coming back." I explain him how I felt the last times we were fighting and that I did think about nor coming back after a fight.

"Maybe it is for the better when we end this?" I finally bring the words over the lips which make me feel uneasy and cold. Goosebumps spread on my body but not for a good reason just feeling uncomfortable.

"Maybe it is." Lando mutters and his voice sounds suffocated. We both fight against the tears, being sad about how things went and that we couldn't figure out a solution which would make us both happy but sometimes it is better to end things instead of suffering for longer.

"Can I have one last kiss?" He suddenly asks me while some tears roll down his cheeks which he rubs away with his sweater. I gulp, but than nod. Just one last kiss to end things and remember how good things used to be.

We kiss each other softly, tasting the saltiness of our tears but this breakup had to happen. It wasn't a healthy relationship anymore and maybe we will find love again after we healed from this heartbreak on both sides.

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