Charles Leclerc [25+79]

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A/N Wished by smilethankstothem. I hope you like it! Sorry for not updating, I am a bit busy these days. 

WORDS: 1541

Over the last days and weeks, I received several notes and flowers from an unknown person but instead of being feared by these they kind of make my day and give me some extra motivation. I mean, some of these are really sweet:

You are one of the kindest persons I know
I never thought of myself being the kind type of person but apparently someone does.

I like your smile
And of course I have to smile at these words.

You look great in your new dress
Sometimes I fear that this unknown person is a stalker, but his notes and flowers are making me feel like a teenage girl having it first lover.

The curls look sweet
Sometimes I don't want to straighten my hair and just go out with my curls and apparently the unknown person has seen me with them.

I had a nightshift in a club and just return home from it wanting nothing more than a good amount of sleep. The elevator is closing when someone is entering it with me. One of my younger neighbours stays in front of me now, making me smile softly.

"Hey Charles." I greet when he enters the elevator. His hair is a bit sweaty and is hold back by one of his bandanas. I know he has multiple of the and like to wear them to keep hair strands out of his face.

"Hi." He smiles softly and his cheeks turn a bit redder but I am sure I just imagined this. His face is already red, and his breath is still a bit painting.

"Were you out for a run?" I ask him and try to build up a conversation for the pretty long elevator ride. It is a kind of old model and always needs ages to bring us to our desired floor.

"Yes, I wanted to do it before it gets too hot." Charles explains and ruffles trough his hair with his free hand. My head lowers a bit and I catch a glimpse of some beautiful flowers. A soft smile spreads on my lips. How sweet of him to bring some flowers home for his girlfriend. I haven't met her yet but she is a happy girl with having a boyfriend like him.

"Oh, and you brought flowers for your girl." I try to look happy, but these words bring a bit of a sour feeling to my stomach. Of course, Charles is in a relationship and is not interested in me. Maybe I really should search for my secret admirer and maybe go on a date with him?

"I don't have one." These are the words that rip me out of my thoughts again. Charles doesn't have a girlfriend? But for who is he buying the flowers then? I look down again and begin to think. Could it be?

"Wait a minute." I say and can see how Charles eyes wide in a bit of shock. A last look at the kind of familiar looking flowers and the realisation hits me. I can't stop myself and just start speaking.

"Are you my secret admire, the one that's been sending me flowers and notes?" I don't know if I want him to say yes or not. It would make everything so real but it also a logic explanation. It has to be someone out of our apartment complex because you can't enter the building otherwise. Plus, Charles can simply lay the flowers in front of my door before he can disappear into his flat again.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know how to approach you." He apologizes and gives me a soft smile while his cheeks turn crimson. Just when I want to reply to him, feeling more than happy the elevator suddenly stops and the lights begin to flicker.

"What the...?" Charles says and holds onto the little pole while having a bit of fear in his face. I try to stay calm even though my heart is pounding in my chest, and I am terrified that the elevator would fall down and crush us.

With shaky fingers I press the emergency button, but nothing happens. I press it again and wait for a few seconds if someone would speak to us, but it seems like it is not working. Sighting I turn around to Charles and bite on my lip hesitating.

"I think we are stuck." I mumble and let my body sink to the ground to sit and wait. This is probably going to take some time and my feet hurt a bit because of my long night at work. Charles waits for a few more heartbeats before he sits down as far away from me as possible.

"I'm sorry, I probably smell like an entire gym." He apologizes and scrunches his face with a bit of disgust. Yes, he was out for a run and yes, he smell like it but it doesn't bother me at all. Normally I don't like the smell of people after sport, but Charles seems to be an exception.

"You don't need to apologize Charles." I reassure him and smile to calm him a bit down. He returns my smile and than we sit there in silence waiting for the elevator to work again.

I want to speak with him over his notes and all the flowers he had left in front of my door, but I don't know how to start this conversation. It was easier when he was giving me these gifts without me having to respond to them. But I want to give him something back and tell him that I really liked them.

"Do you have a pen?" I suddenly ask him and hope he does because an idea hit me, and I want to fulfil it before my confidence disappears again. Charles head snaps up like I just have ripped him out of his thoughts. He needs a few seconds but then he responds.

"Yeah, why?" I mumble and grasp into his little bag to take out his pen, revealing some of the sticky notes he always attaches to the flowers. "Give it to me and the post its. Please." I ask him and take them from him.

Our fingers brush over each other when we exchange these things and some soft tingles spread over my body. A sweet redness spreads on my cheeks and Charles also get some pink colour. I give him a last smile before I begin to scribble on the post its.

"What are you doing?" Charles asking after he waited for a bit trying to take a look at my notes, but I turn them away from him with a soft giggle. He is smiling widely when he hears me laugh and I remember the note where he told me that he likes my smile.

"Be a bit patient." Are my words before I come to my fourth and last note? I hesitate for a few heartbeats before writing the five words down. The little click of the pen is making Charles even more curious, and he looks at me with puppy eyes. I wait for a few more seconds before I hand him the notes one by one.

Your eyes are pretty
His eyes are something I first noticed. How much emotion they can show. Portray the happiness and all the sadness too.

When you laugh you make everyone around you happy too
Charles smile and happiness is contagious. Everyone around him can't escape this and he brings some joy to the grey world around us.

I love how you treat your family
Charles is the best big brother for Arthur, always helping the younger one out. No matter what happened. He treats his mother like a queen and cares for every member of his family.

Red looks good on you
A cheeky smile spreads on my lips. I can't deny this fact. He looks handsome in red, and I am not ashamed to tell him.

Charles eyes lit up more and more with every note he reads and, in the end, there is a wide smile spreading on his lips. He is not saying anything yet, but he shows me so much happiness that I have to smile to.

"Go out with me." He suddenly blurts out, being immediately embarred by his own words. But I interrupt him, before he can even think of taking his words back. "I would love to." Now we are both shy again like teenager dating for the first time.

Before we can talk further about it the elevator rumbles again and then continue his way up to our apartments.

"Can I pick you up at seven?" Charles asks when the doors open, and we finally are able to leave the elevator again. "That would be great." I confirm his question and my heart is pounding a bit faster.

"See you later." Charles chirps, presses a soft kiss onto my cheek before he disappears into his flat. This day is so young and already so much happened. I found my secret admirer, got stuck with him on the elevator and now we are going on a date.

Unexpectedly but I don't want to change a single thing about it.

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