Lando Norris [27+83]

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A/N Wished by archivebooks

BOOKS with him:
Learning to Love

WARNINGS: Epilepsy attack
WORDS: 1289

When I wake up the world around me is still dark and I need a few seconds to remember where I am. I am sleeping at Lando's for the first time. The arm of the brit is wrapped around my waist while he still seems to be in a deep sleep. I sight softly when I feel a soft headache throb behind my forehead. Carefully I detach Lando's arm from my body and he groans in his sleep, making me a bit scared that I accidently have woken him up but after a few seconds his breathing is calm again.

Slowly I let my feet to the cold ground, shiver when the air of the night which is coming trough the open window hits my bare legs. I stand up but I don't come far. After just one step my body begins to shake, making me loose control over what is happening. I feel dizzy and because of my twitching muscles I slap myself without wanting to do it. Feeling how my body falls to the ground, knocking with my back against the bed, knowing that it would turn into a dark blue patch.

My chest feels tight, my throat tightens more and more, making it harder for me to breath while my muscles still twitch from time to time, increasing the risk of me hurting myself accidentally. While little lightnings shoot over my eyes, I press my hands on them to cover them and stop the flashing lights, but they don't stop, making a soft whimper leave my lips.

I can hear Lando shuffling in the bed, making me angry about myself that I have woken him up and probably really scare him, but I can't stop my body from having this attack as much as I want it to stop. Lando approaches me, saying some words but I can't really hear him too loud is the ringing in my ear, making me sob, while I still try to stop my body from spasming, well knowing that I can't stop it.

Carefully Lando wraps his arms around me, trying to hold my body close to his and prevent it from accidently hurting myself by hitting body part against the furniture. "Shh, love. Try to breath with me." He whispers close by my ear, swinging our bodies softly from side to side while he probably gets hit from me from time to time. I only hear him like his voice is coming trough the thickest fog, but I can feel his body close to mine what makes me feel less alone.

"I'm calling an ambulance." Lando mumbles after I don't know how long. My feeling for time has just disappeared and I don't know if we sit here for five minute or two hours already. When Lando wants to let go of me, I whimper, not wanting to be alone in this situation being surrounded from the darkness while my body aches more and more from the still ongoing attack, making me more and more emotional.

"Hold my hand tight. I will protect you." Lando says and connects our hand, letting me know that I am not alone while he gets his phone. I don't hear anything of his phone call, just trying to concentrate on the warmth of his hand while the rest of my body feels like an ice block in a snowstorm. Feeling like my muscles will cramp any second because they were twitching so much while still trying to stop the tears from rolling down my cheeks.

Lando holds me close again, patiently waiting for the attack to stop and the ambulance to arrive. My head is buried in his neck, and I can slowly feel the spasming of my muscles stop but now a wave of exhaustion comes over me, making me sniff against Lando's skin, leading to him to tighten his grip around me. The loud ringing of the bell disturbs the silence of the room, making flinch at the high sound, because my head is already pounding from all the crying.

"I need to leave for a second, just need to open the door." Lando says and stands up, making me whimper in fear but I know that I need to let him go downstairs, bringing the paramedic upstairs. I wrap my arms around my body trying to hold myself together, while some unpleasant shivers run down my spine. Aware of everything what happens around me but still in a kind of tunnel I only notice Lando's return when a voice speaks up.

"Does she have these attacks more often?" An unfamiliar voice asks, probably the paramedic. "I...I don't know. She told me that she has epilepsy, but I don't know how often she has an attack." Lando stutters probably scared, confused, and exhausted what just happened and I am so sorry for him that he had to experience this without any warning. Another whimper leaving my lips and I dig my fingernails in my arms, trying to feel something else beside from all the emotions which run trough my body.

"Okay, stay calm. We will bring her into the hospital for some further observations. Go and take her hand, speak with her it could help her to calm a bit down." The medic reassures Lando who has a bit of panic in his voice. This is exactly what I wanted to avoid, him being scared for me and panicking about what is happening. I should have talked more with him about my epilepsy attacks, teaching him what could possibly happen and that he doesn't need to be scared about it.

What happens next is passing by without me really noticing what happens. They bring me into the hospital, check for possible injuries before they bring me into a room. Giving me some magnesium against my aching muscles and some liquid in general. The sun is slowly rising, making me realize that I brought Lando around a whole night full of important sleep. He is already waiting for me in the room, smiling softly when I am finally with him again but the dark circles under his eyes indicate that he is really tired.

"I am so sorry." I manage to choke out when he sits next to my bed, holding my hand in his and letting his thumb stroke slowly over the back of my hand. After an attack I always feel very emotional, just like during it but I can control myself more. Some tears rise to my eyes and even though I don't want to cry again, two tears roll down my cheeks.

"There is no need to be sorry." Lando mumbles, softly stroking over my cheeks to get rid of the salty stains. I lean my head into his touch, grateful that he has not left my side during this whole evening. „But I probably scared you and just because I had a stupid attack." I explain why I feel the need to apologize to him, but he just smiles softly at me.

"Yes, I was scared at first but that is not what matters. What matters is that you are feeling better again." He mumbles before he presses a kiss onto my forehead, making me close my eyes and I need to take deep breath before I shuffle a bit to the side in my hospital bed. I pat beside me and Lando understands, gets rid of his shoes, and then cuddles to me under the blanket, pulling me closer to his chest so that no one will fall out of this small bed.

Finally, some sleep and peace are my last thoughts before I fall asleep, wrapped into the arms from my favourite boy. 

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