Oscar Piastri [67]

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A/N Wished by LilyHeseltineNew. I hope you like it! We are in the finishing touches of this book (almost, still some more one-shots to write) and I am already excited to publish the next prompt list (:

WORDS: 1446

Being on vacation is the exact thing I need after some stressful weeks of university. Finally, I don't have to deal with assignments and can relax under the warm sun while the waves brush over the sand of the beach. Oscar and I had spent most of this day on the beach, went for a swim and eat some ice cream while getting tanned.

We are both happy that we can finally spend all day long together without one of us worrying over university or driving and just concentrating on the two of us. We return to or cosy bungalow when the sun is already setting, dipping everything in some pretty colours. I have wrapped a large towel around my body while Oscar's is simply laying around his neck to prevent his hairs from dripping onto his body.

Just when we enter our bungalow, Oscar presses me against the nearest wall, making me gasp n surprise and look up to him with wide eyes. Oscar smiles at me, before he leans close to my ear to whisper some words into it. His hands holding my waist and his thumbs are brushing over the bare skin he is able to reach.

"You teased me all day long with this pretty bikini." Are his words before he presses some soft kisses under my ear, indicating what he wants from me, but I feel like I need a shower after the whole day at the beach. Knowing that sand is sticking to my body and that the salt of the water will damage my hair when I leave it in for too long.

"I need a shower, Oscar." I mumble but have to lull my head to the side, giving Oscar better access to my neck, letting him nibble and suck on my sensitive skin. Maybe I the shower can wait, and I can let Oscar have his way with me first. My fingers dig into his arms when his teeth dig lightly into my skin, making me shiver under his touch.

"Well, when I am finished with you, you will need another one so why don't we skip the first shower." Oscar announces before he lifts me up like I weight nothing and carries me the few steps into our bedroom where he let my feet touch the ground again. I giggle during this whole process, knowing exactly that Oscar has a wide grin on his lips what confirms itself when I can look into his face again.

"As beautiful as you look in this, I think you are even prettier without it." Oscar mumbles, touching the straps of my bikini before he let it snap against my skin. My hands are placed on his chest, standing up onto my tiptoes to reach his lips and pull him into a kiss. His hands roam over my skin, grabbing a hand full of my butt to press me close against his body, letting me feel his hardened length, bulging out the swim shorts.

I whimper against his lips, and he takes advantage of it pushing his tongue trough my lips and involves mine into a sensual dance. Making me feel a bit overwhelmed because he is kissing me with so much force. Oscar undresses me during our kiss, and I slowly get a guess that he is acting rougher than usually.

He massages my breasts, still gently to not hurt me but when his fingers pinch my nipples I flinch because I am not used to this treatment. It is not bad, but it is different even though it is sending some lust trough my body. I need to detach our lips to gasp for some air and Oscar simply let his mouth wander deeper, down my neck and to my collarbone where he sucks another mark to my skin.

When I think that we maybe move this onto the bed now, Oscar goes onto his knees in front of me and I gulp when I think of what he will probably do now. Oscars hands grab onto the back of my tights to pull me closer to his face and his fingers dig a bit into my skin, making me whimper softly. He looks up to me for a last time before he buries his head between my tights.

Licking a stripe trough my folds before he concentrates on my clit, sucking it into his mouth and letting his tongue swirl around it. I moan and have trouble to keep myself on my legs already. The fingers of one hand grab into Oscar's hair while my other searches for some steadiness on the chair which is standing beside me. Oscar growls against my middle when I pull on his hair, making me realise how hard I am holding onto his dark strands.

"Sorry." I mumble, loosen my grip and looking down with an apologizing face but Oscar doesn't seem to mind my harsh grip at all. "It's okay honey, you can pull my hair as hard as you want to while I am between your legs." He mumbles against my tight, pressing a soft kiss onto it while looking up to me with a soft smile.

Oscar turns my body a bit around, letting my back lean against the wall before his tongue picks up a pace again. Dipping into my entrance and letting it swirl around the bundle of nerve endings again, making me moan in no time. My hand is back in his hair again, gripping it tight and trying to guide Oscar a bit but he stays where he wants to be, making me whimper.

One of his hands detaches from my body and he let it wander between my tights, making my moaning louder when two of his fingers start to thrust into me. My knees get weaker and weaker, and I am happy that I have a wall to lean on. When the tips of his fingers nudge against the nub of nerve endings inside of me and he sucks my clit into his mouth at the same time the knot in my abdomen snaps, making me come to an orgasm which let my tights shiver a bit.

Oscar kisses up my body until he cups my cheeks with his hands, letting our noses nuzzle against each other. We smile at each other for a second before I place my hands on his chest, pressing lightly against it and lead Oscar backwards to the bed, until he let his body fall onto the mattress. I straddle his hips, making him grin widely.

"Hm, are you fancying a ride?" Oscar asks and I nod affirmative at his question, only making his grin wider. We adjust our bodies on the bed a bit until I kneel over him, taking his erection into my hand to align it with my entrance. I let my body sink down, needing to adjust Oscar's length, feeling a soft stretch in my abdomen before I feel comfortable enough to move.

Letting my hips roll against his while I steady my body with placing my hands on his chest. I keep a steady rhythm, letting Oscar's length slide out almost completely before sinking down on it again. Oscar groans under my, letting his hands hold onto my waist, helping me to keep up with the movements and pulling me down with a little bit more force every time.

The moans which leave my lips get a little higher pitched when the angle changes lightly and now Oscar's erection is thrusting against my g-spot. Making it harder for me to keep up with the movements but also eager to continue them because I want to reach a second orgasm. Clenching around Oscar I can feel his grip tighten a bit and instead of letting me lift my hips that wide up he only lets me pull out a little, making the thrusts shorter but harder.

I whimper, already feeling the tight knot in my stomach and Oscar also seems like he is close to his high. My fingernails dig into his chest, making him roll his eyes back and groan loudly at the stimulation. With two more rolls of my hips, I make us both come, bathing in thee waves of an orgasm.

My legs shake a bit when I let Oscar slide out and I make my way to the bathroom to clean up my tights. Oscar follows me, standing behind me to pull me close to his chest. I lean into his touch, liking his soft side after he was rougher in the beginning than he usually would be.

"What do you think about a second round in the shower?"

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