Charles Leclerc [13+81]

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A/N Wished by LizzieCes. I hope you don't mind that I put these two together, I thought they fit good (: 

WORDS: 900

A triple header is exhausting not only for the drivers or the team around them but also for the families. Not seeing your closest people for over three weeks drains additional energy from people who would normally spend every free second with their loved ones.

Charles is one of the drivers who would usually spend all his free time with his family and friends which do not race like he does. Normally I would accompany him on his races, but I have some exams and important deadlines in university and because of this I can't join him for the triple header.

The light at the end of the tunnel for Charles was that his little brother Arthur would be joining him since he has his own races to drive in Formula3. And since Lorenzo should be there to the three brothers are united and not alone. Well, they are not alone anyways but it is nice to have some people who are close to spend time with.

I eagerly wait for Charles return on this late Sunday evening. He managed to get a flight home as soon as possible and now I am waiting, maybe a bin impatiently, for him to finally return. It is not that late yet but since all the stress I had in the last weeks I feel tired and could probably sleep in any second, but I try to stay awake to greet Charles.

It takes another hour until the familiar noise of the opening door rips me out of my almost sleep. My head shouts up and I have to blink for a few times until I remember why I sit on the couch and not be in bed already.

Charles tries to be as quiet as possible but when he seems to recognize the light in the living room he slowly walks over. He leans into the doorway and gives me a soft smile. The tiredness suddenly disappears, and I jump up to finally greet him.

"Charles!" I exclaim and wrap my arms around him tightly. Charles hugs me back and nuzzles his head into my neck bend to get even closer to me. We stay like this for a couple of seconds, not speaking a word, just being happy to be reunited again.

"Hey love." Charles mutters after some more heartbeats of silence and tightens his hug even though this is not really possible. Suddenly Charles lifts me up and laughs out of excitement. I giggle to and try to hold on to him closer because I do not want to fall to the ground. Yes, I know that Charles would never let me fall to the ground, but he is tired and sometimes he overestimates his own strength.

Slowly Charles let my feet back to the ground and with a last soft giggle I detach my body a bit from his. "What was that for?" I ask while we both smile at each other. "I just missed you so much." Charles mutter before he cups my cheeks and presses a gentle kiss onto my lips.

I sight and try to savour as much as possible from this moment because I had missed kissing him over the last weeks. Charles nuzzles his nose against mine after he detached our lips and then he leans his forehead against mine, not wanting to let go of me.

"I hop quickly under the shower and afterwards I am all yours." He informs me and make his way to the bathroom. "Do you want some snacks?" "Yes please." Charles says almost in a singing way before he closes the door behind him and takes the announced shower.

Humming I make us some light snacks, nothing too heavy because it is so late, and we shouldn't eat a full meal now. Charles returns fast from the bathroom his hair still dripping a bit but he has a towel with him to ruffle trough the and get some of the water out of it.

Now his hair stands up in chaotic spikes and I need to suppress a laugh but can't hold it and start to laugh. Charles already know why I am laughing and after a few seconds of trying to look like he is offended by my words he starts to laugh to and wraps his arms around me again.

We cuddle on the couch and eat our snacks while talking over the last weeks. It is not like we haven't called eat other and told us the things that happened but it is more pleasant to talk when you do not have to look at a screen constantly.

"I missed being with you like this." Charles mumbles and stroke his fingers over my arm, softly tracing some random patterns and then he kisses my temple. I cuddle myself closer against him and wrap my arm a bit tighter around his torso.

"I'm not going to let go of you until the next race." I mutter sleepily and press a kiss to his chest because I am too tired to move, and this is the only spot I can reach without doing it. Charles chuckles a bit before he let his body sink deeper into the couch to bring us into a laying position. "And I don't mind you doing this because you know what? I am not letting go of you either."

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