Pierre Gasly [Gym Session]

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A/N Another one for myself because my week it shit and it's not even finished...Please leave me a vote, a comment and some love/attention (:

I was bored yesterday and painted Pierre on the tablet. What do you think of it? I will post it on my instagram in the next days too. dreaming_lena 


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WORDS: 1850

Pierre is working out in our home gym and I am totally bored by the lack of attention I receive. Although it is a pretty good sight, I have from my yoga mat in the corner of the room. The Frenchman gained some muscles over the winter break and looks like a snack more then ever.

His muscles bulge every time he lifts his weights on the bench and the sweat glistering on his skin make the sight around ten times hotter. I sight softly when images flow trough my head how he would look like on top of me.

My tights are pressed tightly together and I can feel how all of this arouses me more than it probably should. Quickly I stand up from the floor to leave the room and cool down a bit. Pierre does not notice me leaving he is too deep in his thoughts.

In the bathroom I splash some cold water on my face to calm down, but this does not help at all. It is a fact that I am needy for Pierre's attention and so a plan forms in my head how I can bring him to give me some of his time.

I take of all my clothes before simply pulling one of Pierre's shirts over my body to cover the parts he should not see directly when I enter the room again. When I return to our little gym Pierre is taking a short break from his workout.

"Pierre." I whine softly while approaching him. Pierre turns his head slightly in my direction but does not seem to notice the change of my appearance.

He hums questioning while taking some sips out of his water bottle and trying to calm down his breathing. I look at the little water droplets running down his neck until they stop at his already soaked shirt.

When Pierre detaches the bottle from his mouth, I wrap my arms around his neck and plant a kiss under his ear. Pierre bends his head down to peck the back of my hand before he tries to loosen my grip around him.

"Give me attention." I mumble not letting go of him. Pierre chuckles softly but not seem to get how serious I am.

"Come on, I need to finish this mon ange." He says turning his head lightly, but I let not move him an inch away from me.

Instead of detaching my arms I just lower them a bit that I can plant my lips on his neck. I start to peck on his pulse before I wet the delicate skin with my tongue and suck it into my mouth. Pierre growls lowly but seems not a hundred percent convinced yet, so I have to tease him some more.

I let my hands wander down his chest over his tight muscles and can feel how they clench and unclench under my touch. Pierre catches my hands and holds them tightly but not to tight and stops me from moving them further.

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