Charles Leclerc [N21]

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A/N Wished by Writing_C_Project. I hope you like it. Sorry for the delay of updates guys but I can not motivate myself to write after already sitting in front of a screen the whole day...I apologize if this is not my best one-shot but I just feel tired.

WORDS: 1015

After being out for an afternoon walk Charles and I return to our apartment. The sun was shining warmly in Monaco and we enjoy the rays on our skin, getting a bit of a tan and grant us the first ice cream of the year.

I wear one of my floral summer dresses and Charles could not keep his eyes of me since he first saw me in it. He told me on several occasions how good I am looking in this dress and that he believes that I am the most beautiful woman he knows.

My cheeks flushed scarlet on most of his comments, but I was smiling widely at the same time because of the kindness behind his words. Now, in the elevator, Charles seems to be a bit restless. He fiddles with the keys in his hands and taps one of his foots in the ground.

"Are you okay?" I ask him and trace his arm with my fingers. Charles shrugs before he flashes me a wide smile.

"I am, just feeling way too hot the sun was so strong today." He grins and fans some air to himself with his hand, but I am not completely convinced by his words.

And I was right as soon as we closed the apartment door behind us Charles connects our lips for a kiss and presses my back against the front door. I kiss him back but have to break the kiss because I start to giggle.

"Oh yeah, just feeling hot because of the sun." Another giggle leaves my mouth and Charles also begins to grin widely.

"Well, I couldn't say in public that I am hot because my girlfriend looks absolutely breath taking in that dress." He admits and my cheeks turn crimson because of his words.

"And you know what I am going to do now? I will make you feel good because of how beautiful you are." Charles mutters near my ear and gently closes his teeth around my earlobe.

I whimper at his words and press my legs tightly together when I can feel the first wave of arousal flowing trough my body. Charles fingers slowly roll up the hem of my dress until he can hook them into my panties. While he kneels, he drags the piece of fabric down my legs and helps me to step out of it.

Slowly I get a thought of what Charles is actually up to. He acts like the way to the bedroom is way to long and that he has to give in against the arousal in the middle of our hallway. Charles turns my body a bit so that I can lean with my back against the wall before he starts to press soft kisses onto my tights.

I lean my head against the wall and just concentrate on Charles movements. How his scruff irritates my skin lightly and his lips that roam over what seems to be every inch of my skin. Finally, his mouth reaches my middle and his tongue licks a bold stripe trough my folds.

Whimpering I grab his dark hair with my hand and try to lead him where I want him to, but Charles does not seem to be bothered by my movements and just continues with lazily lapping my folds.

The tip of his tongue dips almost playfully into my entrance for a couple of times what makes my legs shake a bit. I am not sure if I can stay on my feet during the whole time of him pleasuring me, but I try my best to stay strong.

Charles let his tongue now swirl around my nub of nerve endings what almost make my knees buckle in, but he keeps me steady by holding my hips tightly against the wall. He pleasures me a few more seconds like this before he sucks my clit into his mouth making me moan softly.

My fingers curl around the dark strand of his hair almost loosing the control over my body but Charles detaches his mouth from me what makes me whimper weakly. He hushes me quickly and brings back the pleasure by inserting two fingers after rubbing them through my folds for a few times.

Charles picks up a steady rhythm but tries to pat around a bit until he finds that one spot inside of me which makes me weak in only a few seconds. My legs tremble a bit under my weight, but I manage to keep myself on my feet while the pleasure increases from every movement Charles offers me.

When his fingers hit my g-spot with every thrust and Charles brings back his mouth on my middle I can not hold back any longer and come with quivering tights to an orgasm. Charles gently helps me trough before he guides my body down so that I can sit on the ground.

"I love how your body loses control when you come." He sights and wrap his arm comfortingly around my shoulders to keep me close to his chest.

I just hum as an answer feeling exhausted from the hot weather and the activity we just did. My mind is just really dizzy, and I lay my head on Charles shoulder to calm down a bit. I can feel how my dress is sticky because of the sweat on my hot skin and I scrunch my nose with a little bit of a disgusting feeling.

But I wait for a few more minutes, enjoy Charles body beneath me before I finally stand up again and decide it is time to change my clothes into something new and not staying in this sweary ones.

Charles's gaze follows me closely and I can see how he smiles dreamingly but he stays seated on the cold floor to cool down a bit. I chuckle when I enter the bedroom but can't supress the smile which is spreading on my lips.

I am so lucky to have Charles as my boyfriend and I will make sure not to let him go ever again.

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