Daniel Ricciardo-Baby's first snow

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A/N: Merry Christmas to everyone celebrating it! This is another short Christmas one-shot. Enjoy! Please vote and comment for feedback.

WORDS: 525

This Christmas would be something very special, not only because Daniel and I would celebrate with our son for the first time this year, but also because we booked a hut in the mountains and will spend Christmas in the snow.

We arrived here yesterday in the late evening and even though there was already snow, its amount increased drastically. Because of the gagging of Noah through the baby phone I woke up and then brought the little man to Daniel and me in bed again.

I can't believe he's going to be a year old in January, but time is running out sooner than you think. Straightly, Noah romp around on his father, who wakes up and needs a moment to understand what just happened.

"Good morning." I say and look at the two men in my life smiling.
"Morning." Daniel responds with his unmistakable grin and tickles his son on the belly, who starts giggling.

I love this noise and Daniel often doesn't seem to get enough of it, because he keeps going until our little one is out of breath.

We still cuddle a little, then we decide to get up, have breakfast and then venture into the snow. While Daniel Noah changes the nappy and puts some fresh clothes on him, I set up something to eat.

When they come into the kitchen, Noah looks out the window with big eyes and stretches his arms toward the glittering snow. In the process, he again sizzles a few words, which makes me chuckle.

"After eating little one." I say, swipe over his cheek and put him in his high chair. A sliced bread and some pieces of fruit later, Noah has finished his breakfast and looks accordingly.

Since I am finished, I lift him up and go with him to his room. There I clean his face and his fingers. After that is done, I put him in thicker clothes, because he should not freeze in the snow.

When I'm just half finished, Daniel replaces me so that I can throw myself into matching clothes, as he has just done.

As soon as we all wear our warm clothes, we go outside to look at the fresh snow.

Noah walks towards the snow with shaky steps on my hand and reaches into the powdery mass with big eyes. When he notices that this is cold, he looks at me quite surprised and when he notices that the snow in his hand is melting, he is completely thrilled.

With a cheerful squeak, he reaches for more snow and watches as he disappears again.

Daniel puts an arm around me and so we stand there and watch our son explore his first snow. But we don't stand there for a long time because Noah tilts head ahead into a snow hill and even if I would like to laugh, I save my son from the snow.

At first, he looks at me as if he wants to cry, but when Daniel starts laughing, Noah also starts giggling at the situation. We all stand laughing in the snow and enjoy our time with the family. 

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