Pierre Gasly [63+82+90]

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A/N Wished by Cookiegirly18. I hope you like it (:

WORDS: 1808

I feel the soft breeze from the ocean on my skin while the last sunrays warm me up, drawing some patterns on my skin. Closing my eyes, I listen to the fade sound of the waves brushing over the sand of the beach and in the distance, I can hear some seagulls. This vacation feels like I am in paradise, and I don't want to leave but sadly Pierre and I have to go back home so that he can prepare himself properly for the rest of the season.

"Hey there." I mumble when the strong arms of Pierre wrap around my waist, pulling me close to his chest. "Hello pretty woman." Pierre greets me and I am sure that there is a cheeky grin on his lips while his words make my heart flutter a bit. We loved having some time for ourselves, getting a bit of a tan, and just relaxed for a few days without needing to worry about appointments or deadlines.

Pierre places his head on my shoulder and we both look into the distance for a moment, observing the changing colours of the sky. "Stop it." I try to say stern but have to giggle softly when Pierre starts to suck on my neck, trying to create some marks, making me like wax in his hands.

"What do you mean?" He asks, knowing exactly what I meant while his hands sneak under the hem if my dress, letting his fingers brush over my tights, making me shiver lightly. A soft whimper leaves my lips and I lean even closer against Pierre's body but unlike him I am still aware of the fact where we are, and we definitely can't continue this out here.

"We can't do this here." I mumble and manage to turn around in his embrace, get his hands to detach from my tights and let him wrap his arms around my waist again. Pierre smiles cheekily at me, and I know he is up to no good.

"Well, let's change locations." He announces and suddenly lifts me up in bridal style, making me scream in surprise. "Pierre!" I slap his chest but have to giggle afterwards while Pierre carries me to our bedroom, leaving the beautiful sight of the ocean behind us. He carefully lets me down to the ground again, making sure I am steady before he detaches his hands from my body.

Pierre cups my cheeks and kisses me for the first time, making me sight against his lips. One of my hand's curls around his hair strands on the nape of his neck, pulling him closer and making him growl lowly against my lips. He let his tongue dip against my lips, waits for me to open them and then involves me into a tongue kiss.

"This is such a beautiful dress, but it has to leave now." Pierre mumbles close at my lips while his fingers grab the hem of my summer dress and pull it over my head in one swift movement. As soon as my hands are free again, I tug on Pierre's shirt and want to undress him too what makes him chuckle.

"Impatient love?" He asks but let me undress him. "I don't know why you think this." I giggle while I open his shorts, letting it glide down his legs and revealing his bulged out boxershorts. Pierre grins widely, loving the little banter between us before he let his hand wander between my shoulder blades to open my bra, leaving me topless too.

We kiss again and stumble towards the bed during it, falling down on the soft mattress and bounce back a little bit with a small giggle. Pierre leans over my body, placing his between my legs before he presses another kiss onto my lips. Then he let them roam over my skin, sucks lightly on some spots and grazes with his teeth over it before he let his tongue swipe over it soothing. Pierre's lips wander down my body, teasing my breasts for a moment before he goes further down, dips his tongue into my bellybutton and finally reaches the elastic band of my panties.

"I want to get a taste of you." He mumbles against my skin before he pulls down the last piece of fabric, leaving me naked under him. Pierre looks up for a brief second, sending me a cheeky grin before he presses a kiss onto my pelvic bone. When his tongue licks trough my folds for the first time I directly grab into his hair guiding him a bit and, in the beginning, he follows my movements granting me with pleasure.

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