Mick Schumacher [A14+N6+18]

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A/N Wished by JoycePereira2006. I hope you like it! Leave me a vote and a comment. (:

WORDS: 1008

Worried I let my gaze wander over the darker getting sky over the house. In the distance I can hear the thunder roar and the wind had increased rapidly over the last minutes. I close the door to the garden again and dial Mick's number who is out for an afternoon run.

Nervous I bite on my nails hoping he is okay in this weather and would return home safely. It takes too long for my liking but finally Mick picks up the phone and directly the wind blows through the speaker.

I can't understand Mick too loud is the wind which is covering his voice.
"I can't hear you." I mumble and hope that Mick could understand me. "Just come home as soon as possible." And please be okay I ad in my head before I throw my phone on the couch and start to pace up and down in the living room.

When the familiar sound of the key rustling in the lock reaches my ears, I almost run to the door and wrap my arms around Mick's neck as soon as he enters the room. He is a bit surprised by my action but hugs me back after a few seconds of proceeding.

"Your back." I mutter against his hoodie not planning on letting him go.
"I am." He mumbles but I can clearly see the grin on his lips because he thinks I carry my worries too far.

When I finally loosen my arms around him, I just change the form of contact between us. I cup his cold cheeks with my hands and pull him down for a sweet kiss which turns into a hot one almost directly.

My tongue swipes over his lips to get them open before I nudge it lightly against his. While gently biting on Mick's lip I pull him with me walking backwards into the living room while I let my fingers wander under his hoodie to touch him.

"Babe, babe..." Mick mumbles against my lips and then catches my hands to stop me.

"Slow a bit down love, I am not going anywhere." He says affectionally and caress my cheek with his fingertips for a second.

He pulls the hoodie over his head before we continue our way to the sofa stumbling a bit but reaching our destination. Mick sits down on the sofa before he drags me closer and pull me into his lap.

The large shirt I am wearing rode's up a bit and shows some more skin of my tights. Mick's hands cover some of this exposed skin and he starts to dance with his fingers over it in a kind of teasing manner.

Instead of making out longer with him I open the little knot on his trousers to open them and push them down just a little.

"I do not have the patience to remove our clothes now." I mutter near by his ear before I grab his length and start to stroke it to make it hard.

Mick growls lowly when my wrist turns a bit and gives him some more pleasure. I let my thumb circle over his sensitive tip until I am satisfied with my work. Mick helps me to lift my hip enough to align his erection with my entrance.

I just pull my panties aside before I let myself sink on my taking as much of him as I could from the beginning on. My walls stretch around him, and it feel heavenly for me. Mick's fingers dig slightly into my waist to make me move soon.

I lift my hips again, nearly letting all of him out before thrusting in again. Mick's abdomen clenches because of my movements and he throws his head back with a low moan.

"God, you feel amazing." He mumbles before he connects his lips with the naked skin on my neck.

His fingertips sneak under my shirt while I try to keep up a steady movement by lifting and lowering myself on his erection. Mick hands cup both of my breast in his hands and starts to massage them gently.

A whimper tumbles over my lips when his fingertips start to roll my nipples between them and sending some waves of arousal through my body. Smiling Mick looks at me listing closely to my whimpers and moans while he continues pleasuring me.

"Your nipples are so sensitive today." He says before he lowers his hands again.

I want to protest but Mick let my protest suffocate in a moan when he wraps his lips around my still covered nipple. He wets the fabric over it and let his tongue circle around it playfully creating a completely new kind of pleasure because the rough fabric is giving me some delicious friction.

My movements do get a bit sloppier when I can feel my high coming nearer but Mick's grip around my hips tighten and he helps me with keeping up the movements. I addition he thrust up and helps me to chase both our orgasms.

Mick's tip is just brushing one time over the bundle of nerve endings inside of me then I am falling over the edge and rip him with me. I can feel my walls convulsing around him making him moan near my ear.

We both shiver lightly when the orgasm starts to leave our bodies and our breathing is more painting then after a workout, but we are both satisfied with the thing we just done. Just when I want to say something a load thunder is roaring trough our living room making me flinch lightly.

Even though I get easily scared from thunder we both have to laugh at this situation.
"How about we snuggle up in bed and ignore this thunderstorm?" Mick ask nuzzling his nose against mine.

"Would be perfect I mumble giving him a sweet kiss before I stand up and lead him to the bedroom were we could cuddle under the blanket and just forget the storm that is roaring outside the windows.

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