Marcus Armstrong [R6]

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A/N Wished by JKay2011. I hope you like it even though it is a bit short. I still have some trouble writing but I try my best to get over this kind of writers block. Leave some love (:

WORDS: 824

In the house I live are many different sized apartments so many that you have all the privacy you want plus some extras when I think of the private gym or the pool in the basement. I barely know my neighbours but there is one who I always meet in the stairwell and can't take my eyes of.

He is a pretty guy and has always a smile on his lips. Sometimes he has some company from friends, but I have not figure out if he has a girlfriend yet. I always try not to think too much about him because it might seem like I stalk him, but he always catches my gaze.

This afternoon I want to take advantage of our home gym and train a bit to clear my mind from work but when I open the door, I realise that I am not alone. Someone is already training in here but that is not the biggest surprise since this is a big house.

But when I see who is training in here my breath get stuck in my throat. Marcus is working out and not only this he is doing it shirtless. For a moment I admire how his muscles contract and how the sweat is glistering on his skin.

I shake my head to get the inappropriate thoughts out of my head before I announce my presence to Marcus to not scare him when he turns around or something. He flashes me his typical grin before he continues with his workout.

Trying to distract myself I start to warm me up on the bike, but I can not stop myself from glancing at Marcus from time to time. It does not seem like he is noticing it, but I am way too distracted from him, so I decide to speak up.

"Hey, ehm. Can you please...?" I gesture in his direction and hope that Marcus does understand what I try to tell him, but he just looks at me confused.

"Hm, I don't know. Maybe put a shirt on?!" Me being a bit more obvious this time but blushing directly at my words.

Marcus begins to laugh before he grabs his shirt and pulls it over his head.
"Better princess?" He asks still grinning widely.

I hum as an answer not daring to turn around again because he would see my red cheeks and I do not want him to see them.

"Are you blushing?" Marcus asks suddenly standing beside me and scaring me so that I nearly fall of my bike. Quick witted Marcus grabs my arm and makes sure that I am getting my balance back.

"Thanks." I mumble and sink my gaze to not look him in the face. But Marcus does not let go of my hips and I lift my head to look why he is still holding me.

I blush even harder when I now look directly into his eyes and can see how he is clearly thinking of something because he nibbles nervously on his lips.

"Go on a date with me." He suddenly blurts out and now it is his time to blush deeply.

"What?" I ask in surprise not even thinking that he really meant what he just said. Thinking it was just in my head and that he never would ask me out.

"Please?" He ads, looking shyer than usual when I met him.

"But..." I start to speak but can't really think about words to tell him.

"I thought that you don't even know my name." These words leave my mouth almost inaudible, and it is true. I was sure that I am just a neighbour for Marcus.

"I even remember when we first met..." Marcus admits before he grabs my hand and entwine our fingers, still patiently waiting for an answer.

I think for a few more seconds if I am not dreaming and if this is real and not just something my imagination makes up. When I am sure that this is reality and not just a fantasy my lips curl up a bit and I finally nod at Marcus question.

His eyes get wide before he flung his arms around me and hugs me close. A bit surprised I lay my arms around him and burry my head on his shoulder. His heartbeat is really fast but mine is not really slower.

"You are not going to regret this." He promises me before he lets go of me and walks towards the door.

"I pick you up at seven." Marcus chirps and lets the door fall close behind him.

I have not really processed what just happened but when I take a look at my watch I jump up and hurry to my apartment. This evening took turn that I could not dreamed about before but that is by no means bad just really surprising.

Let's look what the future holds for Marcus and me.

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