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✦✦✦✦ Old Friends ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Old Friends ✦✦✦✦

Looking out of the windshield of the ship she had... borrowed, Kit sighs, she could turn around, go back to travelling for a few months, but the thought of seeing them again makes her finally stand.

Her eyes go to the necklace resting on her chest, Din's necklace, shaking her head and sighing she grabs her blaster and lightsabre then exits as she covers the signet with her shirt.

Looking around she smiles lightly, the Falcon takes up most of the space in the yard, she can hear distant shouts and suddenly a small black haired boy is running towards her.

She groans as she's knocked onto her back, she smiles when the familiar giggle reaches her ears, "I knew you'd come back, Aunt Kit, I knew it!"

"Hey, Master Solo." She smiles getting up and helping him to his feet, "How's it going my young apprentice?" She mocks picking him up and setting him on her shoulders.

"Good, Mom found the blaster you gave me, she threw it away."

"Well, it's a good thing I got you another one." She cheers dropping him down and catching him as she begins to tickle him.

"Ben! Ben!"

Han stops as he runs out of the house, a smile takes over his face. Kit stands up straight clearing her throat and offering a smile, "Hey, Han."

He walks over and takes her into a big hug, "Where in Tatooine have you been?" He exclaims.

"Oh, you know," She shrugs stepping back, "About..."

He shakes his head with a sigh, picking up Ben as he leads her into the house, "Hey, honey!" He calls, "Looks who's here."

Leia walks in with a sigh wiping her hands on her trousers, she stops when she sees Kit and lets a smile grace her face.

"Kit." She takes her into a sisterly hug.

They pull back and Kit smiles at her, "Where in hell have you been?" She yells suddenly hitting her arm.

"Ow, ow, Leia!" She pulls back.

"We have been worried sick, Luke and now you, no contacting us, you could have been dead for all we knew?"

"I'm fine, see?" She asks gesturing to herself. "I got, caught up in some things, I'm here now."

Leia sighs, shaking her head at the girl as she places her hands on her hips, "And don't think I've forgotten about Ben's birthday gift, a blaster? He is four years old!"

"Better to learn young I always say." She shrugs.

She ducks as Leia goes to hit her again, "Kit Kenobi you'll be the death of me." She mumbles.


"So, who are they?"

Kit looks up at Han as he sits beside her, "What?"

"You've been gone for almost a year, you've not got on your crystal necklace, you have... that," He says gesturing to the signet, "And you're sadder than usual. Who is it?"

She sighs, looking down at the necklace, "I got caught," She says ignoring his reaction, "The Imps, they got me, well a Mandalorian took me to them, but he came back and saved me, there was this little green creature, a force sensitive kid, I helped him look after the kid, and when we finally killed the Client... he didn't really want me around anymore." She shrugs.

"A Mandalorian?" He questions, "You Kenobi's really do have a thing for that race."

She nods and slaps his arm, her hands dropping the necklace to her chest, "I'm looking for Luke." She says resting her head on his shoulder.

"He's gone for a reason."

"I know but, if I can find him, then he can help me."

"Help you?" Han asks looking down at her, "What's wrong?"

"The Dark side," She says simply, "It calls to me, and I'm fighting as hard as I can, I just need his help to keep fighting."

Han sighs as he looks out over the view of sunny hills, "He's going to be hard to find."

"I'll find him eventually."

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