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✦✦✦✦ Rock Throwing ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Rock Throwing ✦✦✦✦

"What else don't I know?" Mando asks as he looks over his shoulder at Kit who sits on a large rock watching him fix the ship up before take-off.

She shrugs a little, "A lot," She admits, "You can't say much though, I don't even know your name."

"And you're not going to-"

"This is the way." They both say at the same time, Kit in a mocking tone that makes him shoot his head towards her.

"One day, I'm going to introduce you to a real Mandalorian, you know, one of the ones I know."

He rolls his eyes, "If you ever see them again."

She raises her brows picking up one of the stones beside her and tossing it into the air, "Well, the same can be said for you about your little buddies." She throws the stone over at him hitting him on the back of the helmet.

He tries to ignore her moving on to a different part of the Razor Crest, "This is a nice ship," She comments weighing two different stones in her hands, looking up she sees him struggling, "Three times, right," She tells him to which he obeys, "My brother has a better one." She finishes.

She throws another stone at him, a small clink filling the air as it bounces off of his helmet, "Quit that."

She doesn't listen, just tosses anther stone making him turn to catch it mid-air, "Have you ever been to-"

"Can you stop talking?"

She shrugs leaning back and staring at the canopy of trees above her, "Have you ever met a Gungan?" She asks after a few seconds of silence, "I have once, he was funny, talks likea tis."

Once again he ignores her making her sighs and sit up only for her to shift her weight the wrong way and fall form the rock landing on the floor with a thud.

"Excuse me." She turns to see two men walking towards them. "Excuse me, sir."

"There something I can help you with?" Mando asks not even turning away from what he is doing.

"Uh...yeah... Raiders."

"We have money." The other adds quickly.

"So you think I'm some kind of mercenary?"

"You are a Mandalorian, right?"

Kit scoffs at the title, "Of sorts."

"Or at least wearing Mandalorian armour... That is Mandalorian armour, right?" The other asks looking at Kit who nods in confirmation.

Mando sighs turning to look at them, "It is."

"See?" He says turning to his friend harshly, "I told him. Sir, I've read a lot about your people...er...tri-tribe... If half of what I read is true-"

"We have money." The other cuts him off.

"How much?"

"It's everything we have, sir. Our whole harvest was stolen."

"Krill... We're...krill farmers."

"We brew spotchka. Our whole village chipped in." They say following him around the ship.

Kit just sits back, watching them as she could care less if they stay or go. She's always been one to travel, her and Han never stayed in one place too long until they met Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, "It's not enough." She's brought from her thought by the sound of Mando's voice.

Mando walks away, the two men following after him, "Are you sure? You don't even know what the job is."

"I know it's not enough. Good luck."

"This is everything we have. We'll give you more after the next harvest."

"Come on. Let's head back." One of them says with a sad face, nodding to Kit as they pass her.

"Took us the whole day to get here. Now we have to ride back with no protection to the middle of nowhere."

Mando halts in his movements and turns to look at them, "Where do you live?"

"At a farm. Weren't you listening? We're farmers."

"In the middle of nowhere?" Mando asks.

They nod, a little confused, "Yes."

"You have lodging?"

"Yeah, absolutely."

Mando nods his head, "Good. Come up and help."

They help him unload and Kit finally leaves her spot, "I'm gonna need one more thing. Give me those credits." She orders and stalks over promising to return over her shoulder.


"Ready for round two?" Kit asks, tossing the credits into Cara's lap.

The woman looks up at her and nods her head getting up, "What's going on, Commander?"

"Please, stop calling me that." She asks.

"Sorry... Kit." Cara says.

Kit smiles nodding her head, "Heard you got promoted after you left the team, you and General Solo got promoted together?"

She nods her head, "Yes, I did, but I haven't seen him in a while, or anyone else for that matter."

They stop at the Razor Crest, Cara standing behind the younger girl as she crosses her arms and looks over at Mando, "Said I'd be back."

She grabs a bag throwing it onto the cart behind them and climbing on settling into the corner and making herself comfortable.

"So we're basically running off a band of raiders for lunch money?" Cara asks climbing in and sitting in the free spot as Mando takes up one spot.

"They're quartering us is in the middle of nowhere. Last I checked that's a pretty square deal for somebody in your position," He shrugs, "Worst case scenario, you tune up your blaster. Best case, we're a deterrent. I can't imagine there's anything living in these trees that an ex-shock trooper couldn't handle."

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