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✦✦✦✦ Flying ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Flying ✦✦✦✦

"Looks like that's the magic rock I'm supposed to take you to down there." Kit gets to her feet resting a hand on the back of his chair as she looks at the large rocks.

"We're gonna have to walk up," She says pulling on her jacket, "Its took rocky to land at the top."

He nods in agreement and flicks a switch above his head, "We're gonna have to travel the last stretch with the windows down."


Her eyes widen and she looks over at him, "No, thanks, I'll meet you there."

He gets up from his seat and grabs her arm stopping her from walking away, "Come on, Princess..."

"I've told you not to call me that, Tin-Man."

"And I've told you not to call me that."

She hits his hand away from her and goes to walk away again but he brings her back once more, "You're afraid of heights." There's amusement clear in his voice.

"I'm not afraid of heights, I'm a pilot, I'd be terrible at my job if I was. I just don't particular fancy the idea of being very high in the air with only you to support me."

She turns away and he lets her go but he grabs Grogu and follows after her, "I promise I won't drop you, it'll be much quicker this way."

She sighs and crosses her arms as she looks him up and down, "No, absolutely not, I don't care."


"Okay, okay, okay, go lower!"

Kit screeches burying her face in the crook of Din's neck, her arms are wrapped around his shoulders and her legs around his hips while he keeps her in place with a firm hand on her waist.

He chuckles and Grogu holds his hand out to touch her arm, "Okay, put me down now, I'll walk the rest of the way."

Ignoring her protests he goes faster and then quickly lands. Getting to her feet and stepping away from him as she straightens her clothes and ruffles her hair she clears her throat, "We never speak of that, ever."

He holds his hands up in defence and steps back with Grogu. The trio walk into the large pillars of stone and looks at the one stone in the middle, "Well, I guess this is it."

He turns to look at Kit as she steps up beside him, looking back she shrugs, "Don't look at me, I've never been here."

"Does this look Jedi to you?"

"Do I look Mandalorian to you?" She mocks rolling her eyes.

While Din walks to the stone in the centre Kit walks around the outside, hands trailing across each stone as she takes in the Force surrounding her.

"I guess you sit right here. Okay, here we go." He sets Grogu down then steps back.

He glances over at Kit who still traces patters on the large rocks, "This is the seeing stone, are you seeing anything? Or are they supposed to see you?"

Kit laughs making him look over at her, with a small smile he just wishes she knows is there, "It's a metaphor, Tin-Man, they can't physically see him, he can't physically see them. He sees the Force, his path, his choices."

Din returns his attention to the kid but nothing is happening, "Maybe there's some kind of control or something." He looks through his visor at the ground.

Kit walks over clicking it off as she leans closer to him, "Force." She whispers then steps back away from him with a smirk.

Din sighs as he looks up to see Grogu reaching for a butterfly, "Okay, come on, kid. Ahsoka told me all I had to do was get you here and you'd do the rest."

"Patience," Kit sings as she leans against one of the rocks and plays with the bracelets on her wrist, "He'll do it in his own time."

A ship flies sin above them making both of them quickly look up, "Watch the kid."

"No way in hell, I'm coming." Kit states firmly as she follows after him.

The pair peer over the edge as the ship lands on the ground slowly, Kit squints and takes a closer look at the ship, "I feel like I know that ship." She mumbles.

She turns her attention back to Din, "Rain check?" Kit asks and Din nods as the pair turn quickly to walk back to Grogu.

"Time's up, kid. We gotta get out of here."

They stop to see Grogu with his eyes closed and a large blue force field surrounding him, "Great." Kit mutters nodding her head as she steps back and then walks away.

"Where are you going?" Din calls after her.

"To make sure those people don't get to him."

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