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✦✦✦✦ Missing Her ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Missing Her ✦✦✦✦

Din sighs, he flicks a few switches on his control panel and then leans back, he looks over his shoulder at the empty seat as if waiting for a snarky remark about the ship or something stupid he had down lately.

But he's met with silence, the old, dusty robe still sits on the chair, and for a moment he pictures Kit there.

Brown robe wrapped her as she curls up and sleeps, or just sits there looking into the open space, the only thing to be seen are her piercing blue eyes that reflect the galaxies around them.

His hand goes to the place the crystal rests beneath his armour, the one she had given to him.

"My father gave it to me, he told me, that when I was ready, I can make my own lightsabre, I won't be ready, not until you're with me."

Those were the words she had said to him, the words that he has thought about over and over for the past few months since he left her on Nevarro.

He left her.

He wonders where she is. Did she stay with Greef Karga and Cara Dune, did she finally find the friend she was searching for, did she find her other family she talked about.

For some reason his thoughts take a dark turn, he imagines her getting caught, killed even all because he isn't there, because he can't protect her.

Shaking his head he turns to look at the sleeping child who clutches Kit's old shirt she had left in the ship.

Din sighs, his gaze going to the stars, something he has found himself doing a lot since he left Kit.

He questions why he did it, told her stay there, to leave him. Truth be told he misses her, he misses all of her.

Although she went out of her way to annoy him and get on his last nerve he enjoyed her company, he enjoyed that she'd risk herself for him or the kid, he enjoyed that she knew how to fight and was always there to help.

Now he just had a kid who would occasionally do a magic trick, but otherwise just cause more problems or sulk over the fact Kit was no longer here.

Getting to his feet he walks the small distance between the two chairs and grabs the robe, he runs his gloveless fingers over the robe, and despite the age of it and the dust that falls off with just a small shake, the fabric is soft.

He lifts it up and pulls it over his shoulders only for two books to fall from the pockets and to the floor with a thud, leaning down he picks up the two books, on is completely full, old writing filling the book. He flips to the first page and the name 'Ben Kenobi' is written in neat handwriting.

"Kenobi," He mumbles, "Must be a family member."

He tosses it onto the chair and then opens the other book, the writing in this one is much scruffier and he has trouble understanding the words written on the front age, 'Kit', there's space left beside the name but a small smudge of ink lies there, as if she had started but then decided against it.

He flicks a few pages to find drawings inside along with little notes and stories of her adventures.

He finds a drawing of his helmet and inside the idea of what he looks like, he sits back in his chair looking at the drawing, she's got almost everything right beside his nose and the colour of his eyes.

He tilts his head at the emerald coloured eyes she had gone for, he wonders why she chose that colour but she had once admitted that green was her favourite colour.

He flips the page and the sentimental moment is ruined as he finds the same picture just this time a Gungan with the words 'Is that whys yousa don't want to take off the helmet?'

Sighing he closes the book and sets it onto the control panel in the open space, taking off the robe he folds it neatly and then places it in the Child's crib as he goes back to his new favourite hobby.

Staring at the stars and wondering, what if?

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