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✦✦✦✦ Grogu ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Grogu ✦✦✦✦

Kit leans against a tree, the moon illuminating the area around her as she picks at her nails. She shivers, the thin button up doing nothing to protect her from the coldness, she had lost her jacket when she got captured by the Magistrate and Lang.

Crossing her arms and shifting in the cool breeze she looks over to Ahsoka and the child, a glint of shiny Beskar catching her eye as Din walks closer.

She sighs knowing it wouldn't have been long before he came over again.

But he says nothing as he stands beside her, just simply pulls a robe out of his pouch and drapes it over her shoulders.

Her small hands grip at the robe pulling it closer to herself as she takes in the warmth it gives her.

Her eyes flicker up at him but he doesn't look at her, he watches as Ahsoka picks up the Child and walks over to them.

His hand drops back to his side, subtly brushing against her shoulder as he does.

Ahsoka sets him down on a small rock then sits opposite them and nods as he gurgles, "Is he speaking? Do you understand him?" Din asks.

"In a way," She nods tucking her hands under her robe, "Grogu and I can feel each other's thoughts."

"Grogu?" Kit asks raising a brow, telepathy through the Force is something she has always struggled with, along with feeling other's emotions, which with the help of Ahsoka she's been getting better at, she can feel the tension radiating from Din as they stand side by side.

As she says his name the kid looks over at her and coos, she smiles slightly stepping forward to kneel before him, "Hey, Grogu."

Grogu reaches out and places his hands on her cheeks making her smile, her dimples showing as she does.

"Grogu." Din says making him look up at him.

Kit smiles slightly as she tilts her head to the side, her short hair falling over her one shoulder.

"He was raised at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Many masters trained him over the years. At the end of the Clone Wars when the Empire rose to power, he was hidden. Someone took him from the Temple."

Din slowly sits behind Kit keeping his gaze on the older Jedi as he listens, "Then his memory becomes...dark, he seems lost. Alone."

Grogu looks to the lamp in front of him and Kit frowns slightly has he gazes into nothing, "I've only known one other being like this."

"Master Yoda." Kit says looking up to Ahsoka, she nods and Kit remembers the old green Jedi.

"Farm boy, I swear if we die-"

"We won't die, Princess, you're overreaching." He mumbled holding his hand out for her to get up off the floor.

She rolled her eyes accepting his help, "Ar-too!" Luke yelled suddenly as he took off leaving her alone.

She cursed after him then took off in a light jog finding Luke and the droid near the edge of a swap, "Great, now we're stranded in this pace because the force ghost of my father told us to come here. This is great, dad! Thanks a lot!" Kit yelled into the air kicking some rocks into the swamp.

"Now all we have to do is find out if this Yoda exists," Luke mumbled as he placed a hand on Kit's shoulder to calm her, "Still... there's something familiar about this place. I feel like... I don't know..."

Kit opened her mouth to speak but was cut off, "Feel like what?"

She yelped, grabbing her purple lightsabre that hung on the right side of her belt and holding it out towards the stranger. A green creature appeared before them, illuminated by the purple light as Luke hid behind Kit.

"Like we're being watched." Luke finished.

"Away with your weapon, I mean no harm." He said pointing to Kit's sabre that was dangerously close to his face.

"I think I'll keep it out, thank you."

He hummed moving along with his small cane, "I am wondering, why are you here?"

"We're looking for someone." Luke said looking over Kit's shoulder.

"Looking?" He croaked, "Found someone, you have, I would say? Hmm?"

Kit looked back at Luke and raised one of her bows as her sabre followed the creature, "Help you I can."

"I dint think so," Kit said, "We're looking for a great warrior, he knew my father."

"Ahhm a great warrior," He laughed shaking his head "Wars not make one great."

"Can he still wield the Force?"

"Yes," Kit answers for him, "He's strong, can Force heal too."

Din tilts his head, "You mean his powers?"

"The Force is what gives him his powers. It is an energy field created by all living things, to wield it takes a great deal of training and discipline."

"I've seen him do things I can't explain. My task was to bring him to a Jedi."

Kit scoffs lightly, "You had one." She mumbles.

"The Jedi Order fell a long time ago."

"So did the Empire, yet is still hunts him."

"The Empire is never gone." Kit brokenly whispers as she stares at the moon above them.

Din tilts his helmet towards Ahsoka but his eyes stay on the zoned out Kit, "He needs your help."

Grogu slowly falls asleep as Ahsoka sighs, "Let him sleep, I'll test him in the morning."

Kit gets to her feet, hand resting on her sabre as she walks away from the group, Din goes to follow after her but Ahsoka stops him. "Where is she going?"

"To do something that needs to be done alone, with her own thoughts and her own Force bubble, with you there, she will not complete it."

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