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✦✦✦✦ Rescue ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Rescue ✦✦✦✦

The Client stands before Kit, an evil smile on his face as he looks down at her. She breaths heavily, spitting the blood from her mouth at his feet. "Keep going, she'll break eventually."

She lets out an inhuman scream as the electric rods poke at her skin, "I-I told you already!" She pants, "I don't know anything!"

Another scream fills the air, the Client nods and turns away from them allowing them to have their fun. "I don't know where he is! Stop!"

The Stormtrooper chuckles as they bring the rods away chuckling at her state, her lip is busted open, sweat trickles down her forehead and she pants heavily.

Her chained hands are raised above her head holding her up in the air and she struggle against them as they continue to torture her, she screams, biting down on her tongue so hard she draws even more blood to her mouth.


The door bursts open just as she lets out a scream, two blaster shots are fired and the Troopers drop to the floor.


Mando runs over to her, the Child in his arms, "Kit." He says again shaking her a little.

She groans looking up and showing her blood covered face, "The kid?"

"I've got him." He says showing the small green creature.

He places the child beside them and works on her cuffs catching her before she can hit the ground, "Hold him." He says handing the Child to her.

She nods weakly wrapping her arms around him as Mando lifts her from the floor. She groans her head falling to his padded shoulder as he leaves the room.

"Look, there!"

He elbows the light panel making the room go dark, placing the child and Kit on the ground he hides in a different place watching the Stormtroopers peer around the edge.

He fires a shot at them both and hides back around the corner as more walk in, not noticing the two behind him she shoots at the one in front and flinches when he hears two blaster shots.

Turning he finds Kit leaning against a create, blaster pointed at two dead Troopers, she blows the hair from her face and looks up at him, "Needs improvement, Tin-Man." She mutters.

He jogs over wrapping an arm around her and grabbing the Child in his other, "So, you came back?"

He shrugs lightly helping her through the door, "Guess I did."

They get swarmed with Troopers all around them making her sigh, "I've got a bad feeling about this."

"Drop your weapons!"

"Wait!" He says holding his hand out, "What I'm holding is very valuable. Here."

He slowly drops to his knees taking Kit with him and placing both his blaster and the Child on the floor, "Duck." He whispers.


He covers her head just as he lets some whistling birds out, they all hit the Troopers back, they look up, Mando grabbing the kid as he stands and helping Kit to her feet. "Let's go."

Kit struggles as they walk, she holds her side, Mando's arm placed around her waist holding her to his side as she drags her feet behind her. "Wait," She sighs stopping and leaning against the wall, "Just go, take the kid, a-and go."

He shakes his head holding a hand out as she loses her balance, "I'm not leaving you here." He reasons.

"You did before." She bites back steadying herself and taking a deep breath in, "I won't make it, you got to get him to safety."

He looks across to the building they just ran from and then back at the girl, rolling his eyes he grabs her and lifts her over his shoulder earning a yelp from the girl as she goes, "Little warning next time."

"Shut up."

They walk through the main streets coming to a stop as a slow beeping fills the air around them, "Welcome back, Mando. Now put the packages down."

"I have a name." Kit grumbles as Mando slowly places her back down onto the floor.

"Step aside. I'm going to my ship."

"You put the bounty down and perhaps I'll let you pass."

"They're coming with me."

"If you truly care about them, then you put them on the speeder and we'll discuss terms." Greef Karga says.

"How do I know I can trust you?"

"Because I'm your only hope."

Mando looks down at Kit who shrugs at him in response, he walks them over placing the kid safely down and helping Kit climb into the speeder. He jumps in, shielding the pair with his body as he points his blaster at the droid, "Drive!"

They drive for a while, Mando shooting at Bounty Hunters as they pass until Greef hits the droid and the speeder crashes. "Stay down." He whispers harshly.

He leans over the end taking his pulse rifle and disintegrating a few of the Hunters that try to get close, "That's one impressive weapon."

"Here's what I'm gonna do," Mando calls over to the man, "I'm gonna walk to my ship with the kid and the girl, and you're gonna let it happen."

Greef scoffs, waving at the hunters to surround them, "Nah... How about this: We take the kid and the girl, and if you try to stop us we kill you and we strip your body for parts."

"Or," Kit adds weakly as she tries to lift herself up, "I kill everyone, good plan? Good plan."

"Get down." Mando orders pushing her head down.

The bounty hunters fire at them, from above and in front as Mando shoots right back, "Don't hit the targets!" Greef orders.

Mando sighs, about to give up when suddenly an army of Mandalorians cover them, "Get outta here. We'll hold them off." One of the Mandalorians, Paz Vizsla says.

"You're going to have to relocate the covert." Mando says helping Kit, who holds the child, out of the cart.

"This is the way."

"This is the way."

He picks Kit up running away from the fight and towards his ship, setting the pair down on the floor as he enters he turns towards his weapon vault but stops when he hears someone behind him.

"Hold it, Mando."

Greef sighs stepping further into the ship, blaster trained on Mando, "I didn't want it to come to this. But then you broke the Code."

The Mandalorian shoots his grappling hook into a pipe which sprays out fumes, in which he disappears. Greef Karga shoots into the mist but eventually gets thrown back by a blast to his chest which the Mandalorian shot through the mist.

He closes the ramp and climbs into the cock pit quickly taking off into space, he sees a Mandalorian salute him from outside with his jetpack, "I gotta get one of those..."

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