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✦✦✦✦ Jedi ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Jedi ✦✦✦✦

The trio inside the tavern stare at Kit as she twirls the purple sabre in her hands, she moves it so she has a reverse grip and then holds it in front of her and tilts her head slightly as she stares at the Troopers around her.

All at once they begin to shoot at her, she jumps up moving the sabre effortlessly. She blocks a shot close to her head and then sticks out her hand using the force to bring one of the Troopers to her and sticks her sabre through his chest.

She grabs the blaster on her thigh and shoots a Trooper getting close to her, as she turns she moves her sabre behind her back to protect her from a shot as she shoots at the Stormtroopers that were behind her.

She jumps up performing a backflip to avoid blasts, she turns her sabre hitting one shot back towards one of them receiving a scream as he falls.

She quickly moves on to take cover behind a wall and it goes silent, the trio peek their heads out to look over to where she had gone.

Din goes to leave but a noise filling the comms makes him stop, "Kuiil?"

"Kuiil has been terminated."

"What did you do?" Din yells furiously.

"I am fulfilling my base function."

"Which is?"

"To nurse and protect."

Shots start up again but no purple lightsabre can be seen, instead IG-11 shoots at the Troopers surrounding them, "Look!" Cara exclaims as the droid rides in on a speeder, the Child in his pack.

"Cover me!" Din yells.

Cara jumps over the bar and shoots at the Troopers through the window making sure he doesn't hit the droid or Child. Din and Greef leave the safety of the Cantina and go outside.

He grabs the blaster of a Stormtrooper standing outside and shoots him, just as a blaster shot ricochets form his armour he kicks back a Stormtrooper.

A blast flies towards Greef's head but a purple sabre stops it as Kit stands there breathing heavily and blowing a strand of hair form her face, "You're good with that thing." He comments.

She shrugs as if it's nothing, standing up straight as she twirls it around and throws it into the air catching it in reverse grip. "I know."

One of the Dark Troopers grabs a hold of Din as another walks up behind them shooting at his Beskar armour. Kit jumps in front of one of the Troopers deflecting the blasts back at him, she twirls her sabre stabbing it through the one that holds Din.

The Dark Trooper drops to the floor releasing Din who looks up at her, he raises his blaster shooting at the Stormtrooper that has his gun trained on Kit the same time as she lifts her lightsabre to block the blast sent towards her by said Trooper.

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