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✦✦✦✦ Little Jedi ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Little Jedi ✦✦✦✦

Din sighs as he comes to a stop, making Kit who had fallen behind slightly also stop, she goes to walk forward but Din catches her arm, "These are the coordinates, keep your eyes open."

He lifts the kid from the pouch and places him on a large rock, Kit leaning beside him casually with her arms crossed.

"Hey, kid." She smiles.

The Child coos up at her instantly giggling as he reaches for her hand. She allows him to wrap his tiny hand around her thumb as his other hand plays with the string of a bracelet on her wrist.

There's a rustling in the distance and Din turns to look at them, "You hear that?"

He scans the distance his gaze settling on a creature as he sighs, "False alarm."

A lightsabre igniting makes him turn, he raises his hand in time to bock two white light sabres.

He blasts fire at Ahsoka and she jumps up her cloak falling, he quickly wraps a cord around her but she jumps over a tree branch making him rise into the air.

Din groans as he quickly cuts the cord while Kit and the Child both look at each other and then back to them.

Ahsoka cuts the cord from herself and lifts her sabres ready to attack him.

A flash of silver and black meets Kit's eyes, she quickly raises her hand allowing the Force to flow through her.

The older Jedi slashes her lightsabres down only for a blue light to stop them, "'Soka, it's just me." She breaths out.

Ahsoka lowers her sabres and holsters them as she turns off the blue sabre, "Little Jedi." Ahsoka smiles and takes her into a hug.

"Ahsoka Tano," Din speaks from behind them, Kit rolls her eyes stepping aside as she looks down at the lightsabre Din had attached to his belt, "Bo-Katan sent me."

Kit turns back to Din, lightsabre now in hand and lightened as it points towards him, "What did you just say?"

"Bo-Katan sent me."

Ahsoka steps forward placing her hand on Kits shoulder "We need to talk." Din continues his words meant for Ahsoka but his gaze settled on Kit.

The Jedi catches sight of the Child behind them and stands up straighter, but Kit keeps her eyes on the helmet and sabre at his throat.

"I hope it's about him."


Ahsoka sits in front of a fire, the Child opposite her. Kit sits not too far away rewrapping her hands a little tighter as Din paces in front of her.

"Where did you get it?" She asks suddenly. He stops turning to face her as he didn't expect her to speak, "The lightsabre?"

"It was in the ship," He answers honestly, "Along with some other things."

"Why'd you carry it around?" She asks perking a brow at him.

He shrugs lightly looking to the lightsabre attached to her hip, "Why did you have two?" He asks avoiding the question.

"This was my father's," She says resting a hand on the sabre, "I kept it, only used it a few times, the other I won when I was a kid, gambling, learnt young. I'm yet to heal the crystal," She flicks the switch, a large blue glow appearing between them, "Couldn't bring myself too."

She places the lightsabre back on her belt and then goes to her other hand to rewrap it, Din hesitantly steps forward and leans beside her.

She goes back to ignoring his presence as her question had been answered, she ties off the bandage and unfolds her sleeves so they fall back down to her wrists.

"The kid's missed you." He says in a whisper.

She refuses to look towards him just nods, her gaze on the smiling Ahsoka and gurgling Child, not being able to not say something she opens her mouth, "And whose fault is that?"

Tapping her foot against the dirty floor she stares at the fire in the distance, her mind going back to the explosion, to Din flying backwards, to the promises they had made that day.

"How'd you end up here?"

"Got on a ship." She shrugs and he rolls his eyes.

She kicks off from the rock and walks over to Ahsoka and the Child leaving him alone, he goes back to pacing. His mind racing, thoughts of his past mistakes swarm his head along with thoughts of the kid.

But there's one thing consistent in every thought, Kit.

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