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✦✦✦✦ Uncivilised ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Uncivilised ✦✦✦✦

Holding down the hood of her robe to protect her from the winds picking up, Kit hurries, picking up her footsteps so she doesn't meet any unwanted creatures or people.

In the distance she spots a lonely looking house of sorts, the tower stood tall and casted a shadow over as she approached.

Inhaling deeply as she opened the door with a creak she looks around the place, "Hello there?" She calls out looking up.

She ventures inside, looking around, the stairs creak beneath her feet and the wind howls outside as it picks up, "Hello?" She calls out again.

She sighs, hands resting on her weapons as she looks around, suddenly she feels two presences behind her.

A blaster shot comes towards her from behind, she grabs her sabre quickly deflecting it, turning around as she twirls her sabre she finds two old men watching with wide eyes from behind.

"So uncivilised." She comments sarcastically.

"State your name." The one on the left says, he has a large scar down his face and he holds his blaster towards her.

"Which one of you is Captain Rex?"

"State your name." He says again.

She turns to looks at the other who is staring curiously at her as he remains silent, "I'll take it that you're Rex then."

The man says nothing just watches as she takes down her hood, "I need your help."

"We're not helping you Jedi."

"Stand down, Wolffe." The other man says.

He reluctantly lowers his weapon and the Rex cautiously walks towards her, "Princess?"

"Not anymore."

"Rex, who is this?" Wolffe asks, his hand still resting on his blaster as if waiting for her to attack.

Kit turns her attention to him, "I'm Kit," She greets, "Kit Kenobi."


"I didn't know Master Kenobi had a kid." Wolffe says watching the girl in front of him.

Rex hands her a cup of water and she thanks him, "He didn't tell many people," He says sitting opposite her, "Only a few of us knew."

"You knew my father?" She questions leaning forward in her seat.

The pair nod as they watch her, they can see it now that she has pointed it out. She has his wit and sarcasm along with his smile.

"Say, kid-"

"It's Kit."

"Who is your mother?" Wolffe asks.

"Satine Kryze."

Wolffe's eyes widen but Rex looks unfazed, "I remember the first and last time I ever saw you," He says getting her attention, "You were just a small little thing, had the biggest blue eyes like your mother, you threw one of the Mandalore guards around with the Force, you showed young."

She chuckles to herself slightly, "Your father wanted you to train as soon as possible, he thought you'd be a good Jedi Knight, he actually asked-"

Rex stops himself, smile fading slightly as he clears his throat and gets to his feet, "Would you like anything to drink, Princess?" He asks taking her empty cup.

She shakes her head deciding against asking why he stopped talking, "I need your help," She says standing and looking at them both, "Please."

"If it is about leaving this planet, we can help, anything other than that, I'm afraid you're on your own."

"My father told me stories of your General's, both brave and some of the best fighters he has seen." She turns towards Rex hoping he'll be the one to see more sense.

"I'm afraid we can't help you, Princess. We're retired. Now, if you'll-"

"I know what happened to General Skywalker," She says making him pause and turn to look at her, "And I'm fearing the same path lays ahead for me, I need your help, please, I'm desperate."

Wolffe's grip tightens on his blaster and he looks to Rex who holds a hand up to stop him, "I was told you'd be able to help me find my way to a Jedi."

"What Jedi?"

"Ahsoka Tano."

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