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✦✦✦✦ Raiders ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Raiders ✦✦✦✦

Cara looks between Mando and Kit, the pair walking beside each other but then tension of Kit's looming departure obvious, clearing her throat she walks up beside them, "Is this plan going to work?"


She nods, "I remember once," Cara begins trying to ease the awkward silence, "When I first joined the rebellion, it was me and a bunch of new recruits, you and Commander Solo were arguing in the middle of the docking bay, it got so bad they have to forcefully remove you before you shot him."

"Han, I swear to the Gods, if you-"

"Kit, listen to me, I'm going." Han said turning away.

Kit grabbed his arm, using all of her strength to pull him back, "You're leaving? Han, we've been through hell and back the past ten years and now you're leaving?"

"It's better if I go. I can't keep putting you in danger by dragging you along."

She scoffed, arms crossing over her chest protectively, "So, leaving me in a Rebellion during a war is keeping me safe, great maternal instincts."

He rolled his eyes adjusting his thick woollen gloves he was wearing to protect him from the cold of Hoth, "Kit, I'm going. It's what's best for both of us."

"We both know it's not, you're just doing this because Leia wont-"

"Don't say it."

The group of new recruits stood awkwardly with the Commander leading them around the base, they watched, the tension filling the air, becoming unbearable, "You don't need me, Kit."

"Fine," She said holding back the tears, "Leave, go, I don't need you."


"Go, leave like everyone else, I have my rounds with Luke now anyway."

"Kit, wait."

Luke Skywalker came running over, eyes wide as he knew how she can get in these situations, "Kit, let's get you-"

"Go on, Han, leave, on your big stupid ship."

Wrapping an arm around her Luke pulled Kit away as she continued to shout over his shoulder at the man like a big brother to her.

Clearing his throat the commander giving the tour looked from Han to the recruits, "If we go this way we'll find the control room..."

She's met with a look from Mando that, even though she can't see his face she knows he's thinking 'what the Hoth?', and silence from Kit, "Yeah..." Cara says awkwardly.

"We're here." Kit says interrupting the silence.

She motions for them to go one way while she goes the other way, Mando sneaks up behind a Klatooinian, Kit going to the other and they both quickly knock them unconscious.

Cara nods and the three of them pull out their blasters as they enter the tent, they look into two large bubbling container to see a blue liquid.

Leaning towards it slightly Kit turns her nose up in disgust, she steps back just as two Klatooinians enter behind her.

Grabbing a fist full of her hair they pull her back, grunting she throws one over her shoulder realign his grip on her and bring her foot down onto his face just as Cara takes out the other one.

More Klatooinians enter then tent and Kit sighs rolling up her sleeves of her shirt and cracking her neck, ducking as one punches her, she elbows him in the face and he drops into the large blue liquid.

The bomb that Mando planted creates a steady beep in the background reminding them that their time in running out.

She jumps back up using one of the others to swing herself around and knock the Klatooinian sneaking up on Mando down, dropping herself to the floor she swings him over her shoulder and shoots him in the chest.

"This thing is gonna blow!"

She grabs one of the Klatooinians that are attacking Cara and pulls him back, he punches her back and she falls backwards, kicking herself up she sticks her foot out and trips him.

More enter with blasters trained on them, Kit dives away just missing a blast as she does. "Come on," Mando shouts over the blasts, "I'll cover you."

Kit peers over the crates, ducking as a shot fires at her, she sighs and runs to his side quickly firing blind shots behind her as she goes.

They burst through the door just as the bomb goes off, Mando covers Kit as they land, holding her head down to protect her from the blast.

"Go, go, go!" She yells pushing Mando off of her and helping Cara to her feet.

They look back as the Imperial Walker rises, two large red eyes staring down at them. "Kit-"

They turn to see the girl already running, blaster in hand as she sprints through the trees.

"This is it! Once that thing steps in the pond it's going down!" Cara yells as they take cover with the villagers. "Weapons ready!"

They watch the AT-ST get a little closer, it steps forward only to stop suddenly, "It stopped!" Kit says angrily as she hits the barricade in front of her.

"Get down! Get down!" Mando whispers forcefully as the Walker shines a light down on everyone.

"Get down!" Kit yells at Caben who peeks his head over the barricade.

"Hold your positions!"

Klatooinians break through the forest line, the fighters, trained by Cara- and eventually Kit after much persuasion and a bribe of a new blaster of her choice from Mando's weapon storage- run at them.

"We gotta get that thing to step forward."

Kit stares at the Imperial Walker, her mind flashing memories of her past, she shakes away the one idea in her mind as she can't do it, not here, not now in front of all these people.

Racking her brain for a better idea a light bulb goes off, "Give me one of those bombs." She says holding her hand out in front of Mando.


"Now." She says thrusting her hand closer to him.

As he continues to shoot at the oncoming raiders he grabs a bomb handing it over to her, she grins and throws herself over the barricade.

"K-Kit!" He yells trying to grab at her but she takes off running, he sighs, shaking his head as he watches her run, shooting and fighting Klatooinians as she goes.

Mando and Cara watch as she dives into the fight, punching and kicking her way through the raiders, she dives into one of the ponds closest to the AT-ST and sticks her head over the grass, "Come on. You got this." Mando mumbles to himself.

Kit shoots at the Walker, ducking down as it begins to shoot at her, pressing her back against the dirt covered wall of the pond she watches as the shots fire right in front of her, "Take the bait, you hunk of junk." Mando yells angrily as he gets up, his pulse rifle in hand ready to attack.

Breathing heavily and not necessarily thinking Kit jumps up, avoiding shots being fired at her and shoots out one of the windows of the Walker, blasting open the door on the top of the AT-ST and dropping the bomb into the cock pit she then dives into the water below.

She leans back against the wall as metal and debris fly over her landing into the pond, "Was that the plan?" She looks beside her to see Mando with his back pressed against the wall.


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