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✦✦✦✦ Death ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Death ✦✦✦✦

Kit looks down at the kid that rests beneath her feet, "Seal the blast doors!" Fennec orders.

Reeves nods as she pushes the button, the doors securing themselves closed.

Everyone prepares themselves watching the doors before them.

No one notices the Imp getting to his feet behind them all, no one notices the Darksabre now in his hands and no one notices him ignite it as a pounding fills their ears from the other side of the door.

"You have an impressive fire team protecting you," Everyone ignores him as they all keep their blasters and other weapons pointed towards the door, "But I think we all know, after a valiant stand, everyone in this room will be dead, but me, and the Child."

A gasp is what finally brings their attention to the man, he stands behind Kit, Darksabre ignited and poking through her chest.

She slowly looks down, eyes widening at the weapon sticking through her. He grins bring it back out causing her to fall to the floor, "Kit!" Din dives past the frozen Cara to catch her before she hits the ground.

Regaining herself Cara grabs her blaster and knocks him unconscious as she turns to look at Kit ad Din.

He shifts her so she can lie comfortably, she takes in raged breath as she stares at the ceiling above them, "Hey, hey, hey, shh, breath for me, in and out."

She looks at him with eyes that tell him if she wasn't dying right now, she'd definitely give him a snarky comment.

He cups her cheek forcing her to look at him as her breathing continues to be uneven, blood begins to coat her lips making his eyes widen.

"No, no, K-Kit..."

Her presses one hand to the wound trying to contain the blood that soaks her already dirty shirt as his other softly strokes her hair.

She moves her eyes to look at his helmet and she imagines a pair of brown eyes looking back at her which makes her smile slightly.

A metallic taste begins to fill her mouth and she swallows hard, coughing as she does.


"I'm here," He says quietly brushing the hair form her face, "I'm here, Princess."

"I-I... think," She groans, eyes closing tightly and he shifts her in his hold so her head is resting on his thigh, "This is.... t-this is worse than... the abb, shot." She mutters chuckling dryly.

He shakes his head at her, rubbing this thumb across her cheek, she smiles at the feeling of his rough skin on her soft skin.

"Just hold on, we'll uh-" He looks over his shoulder at the other's, all of them watching with frowns and sad eyes, "I need a med pack, a med pack, now!"

"We don't-"

"Don't just... don't just stand there, do something! Get a med pack, a nurse droid for all I care, just do something!"

They all shake their heads slowly, knowing there is nothing that can be done for her now, they just have to watch her as she dies.

The echoing bangs of the droids fill the air as they still pound at the door, "Tin-Man." She says quietly and he snaps his head towards her.

She reaches up with one hand and brings his helmeted head towards her, resting her forehead against it, "I'm sorry."

She drops her hand back to her side, it falling against the floor with a thud but she doesn't notice as she gives him a small smile that falters as her gaze lifts to the ceiling.

"Kit," Din says trying to get her eyes back on him, "Kit," He says again a little more firmly as he moves her cheek to look at him, "Princess?"

She doesn't move, her gaze dead an dull and her hand that rets in his left one growing cold.

He stares down at her and slowly leans forward resting his forehead against hers as he pulls her against him squeezing her gently. He doesn't care that her bloods is now all over his hands and his armor, he doesn't care.

"Kit." He says in a broken whisper.

Bo-Katan closes her eyes as she turns away, Reeves sets a hand on her shoulder while Cara purses her lips and sighs running a hand through her hair. Fennec nods respectfully once before looking to the door as another thud fills the bridge.

The Child slowly waddles over to them, he gurgles and looks at Din who lowers Kit back down against his lap.

Grogu lifts his hand resting it on top of Din's that is laying on Kit's wounded stomach.

He closes his eyes allowing the Force to flow through him, but he's not strong enough.

Din's eyes snap upwards when he sees a blue light, a man appears, he looks young, his hair a colour that matches some of Kit's strands and his eye an emerald green.

He kneels beside the child, placing a hand on his back and one on Kit's head, he smiles slightly before he too closes his eyes, Din looks over to the others to see if they can see but none of them do, they all just occasionally look over to Kit's limp form.

Next a younger looking man kneels beside him, a large scar down his face with shoulder length hair, he too places a hand on Grogu and closes his eyes.

An older looking man stands behind them, long hair brought back as he rests a hand on each of their shoulders. A small green creature that looks like Grogu waddles towards them and sets a hand on Grogu's that's placed on top of Din's.

More blue figures appear behind them, placing their hands on each other's shoulders and closing their eyes.

They all begin to disappear one by one until it's just the first two men, the one with longer hair looks to Kit and nods before he disappears.

The last man smiles down at his daughter then looks at Din who's brows are knitted together under his helmet, the man nods and smiles sadly as he gets to his feet and disappears leaving behind just an exhausted Grogu and a teary eyed Din.

He looks at Grogu who coos up at him with a giggle and Din smiles sadly as he pets his ear thinking he was seeing things.


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