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✦✦✦✦ The Armorer ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ The Armorer ✦✦✦✦

Kit looks down at the necklace in her hands; she traces her thumb over the metal and lifts her hair up as she clasps it around her neck.

Worry fills her as she walks behind Cara and Greef; her eyes slowly got towards the piece of fabric wrapped around her wrist amongst her many bracelets. It's the one he used when she got shot, the one he used to help her.

Everything she keeps has a hidden meaning. People may say she doesn't care, or that she isn't a sentimental person, but she does care, deeply, she always has.

The piece of leather around her braid is part of Han's old jacket he had given to her when he first helped her, the piece of fabric that held the top half of her hair in a bun is from her father's robe, the one that had fallen as he disappeared into the Force during his battle with Darth Vader, she had risked her life brining both the robe and his Sabre to her with the Force that day.

The two rebellion bracelets were given to her by Leia-along with the one she left with Davan- the girl had carved them herself one day when they were sat on Endor with the Ewoks. The bronze coloured bracelets belonged to her mother, Bo Katan had given them to her on her last visit. And finally the Jedi Order symbol, that was her father's which hung around her neck.

Cara turns to see the girl playing with the dark fabric on her wrist, "I still can't believe you're a Princess." She says looking to Greef as if to say 'play along'.

"I'm not a Princess," She denies, "I need a planet or a royal parent to be a Princess, I have neither."

Cara sighs turning to look at the Child in her arms, "There were rumours in the Rebellion," She tries again, "About you being a Jedi Knight. How did you learn?"

"My father taught me, I'd visit him when Han did smuggler stuff I wasn't allowed to be a part of, he taught me everything I know."

Cara siles sadly at her but they all turn quickly upon hearing footsteps.

Blasters pointed at the end they squint in the darkness, Kit grabs her sabre, producing a light in the tunnel for them to see Din and IG-11 limping towards them.

Sighing in relief she holsters her blaster and hangs her lightsabre on her belt as she runs over to them looping his arm over her shoulder, "I got you." Cara says coming up the other side of him.

They move through the sewers slowly, Din grunting in pain every few steps, "Do you know which way to go?"

"No. I don't know these tunnels. I've only entered from the bazaar."

Greef sighs leading the way, "Well, if we get the smell of sulphur and we follow it, it'll lead us up to the plains where the river flows."

"And the Imps will catch us before we make it to the ship. We need the Mandalorians to escort us to safety."

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