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✦✦✦✦ Ahsoka Tano ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Ahsoka Tano ✦✦✦✦

Landing on the forest planet Kit secures her blaster on her thigh and then grabs a robe she had gone out to buy as she had left her father's with Din.

Lifting the hood to cover her head she exits the ship, eyes closing as she reaches out to sense the presence, her brows furrow when she is brought away from the village and instead into the forest that surrounds the city.

Making her way down the ramp and through the trees she keeps a hand resting on her sabre as if preparing for an attack.

As she kicks aside twigs and other things that block her path she wonders about the Child, and about Din.

What is the climate like where they are?

Is it warm and calm, have they settled down together and started a life, do they think about her? Maybe it's cold, or they could even still be floating around in space somewhere, they could even be, and she curses herself for thinking this way, dead.

Little does she know, that out there, on a hot and dry planet, as he sits with the Child close to him listening to a man of the name Cobb Vanth talk, a Mandalorian's mind wanders to her.

To her long hair that falls over her shoulders, to the sarcastic comments she made every few seconds and the needless amount of stupid questions she asked to fill the silence. Even to her negativity, the few remarks she would make that made him realise she's just a person trying to make her way in the universe.

Kit sat on the passenger seat behind Din, her legs were thrown over the headrest as her head hung off the seat, her hair falling across the floor below her, she watched as Din piloted the ship through open space their next destination unclear to both of them, after the events of Sorgan they both didn't know what would happen.

She thought of piloting them to where Han and Leia resided, but turned it down before she could voice the thought. They couldn't go there to put them in danger, the hunters would just follow them and then they'd all be dead.

The silence filling the ship seemed to become more unbearable the longer they travelled.

"Have you ever been to Geonosis?" She questioned suddenly.

Din almost jumped at her sudden voice, almost.

"No." He answered stiffly flicking a few switches in front of him.

She sat up from her position and leaned closer to him from the passenger seat, "I haven't either," She realised, "But my- but Ben," Din caught on to her mistake, but he didn't question it, just allowed her to continue, "Did, he got captured by this horrible man by the name of Dooku, thought he was done for until an old friend of his got himself captured, but then they were all saved by their other friends."

"He seems like he has a lot of friends."

"He did," She said lifting the Child from the floor as he cooed, green hands going towards her necklace, "Then they all died."

The hair on the beck of Kit's neck rises as she feels someone watching her, turning, lightsabre in hand, just in time her purple sabre meets a pair of white ones.

The Togruta holding the sabres pushes her back, flipping backwards with the help of the Force Kit blocks the blows of the other lightsabres.

She ducks down as the woman jumps over her and then kicks up hitting away one of her sabres, Kit spins her lightsabre in her hand holding it in reverse grip like she prefers to and the woman tilts her head as she swaps her lightsabre from her left to her right hand.

"Ahsoka Tano?" Kit questions quickly, raising her lightsabre as the Togruta went to attack.

But the blow never came, looking up, hands still in a defensive positon she watches as the woman falters, "How do you know that name?"

"I was sent to you, by Rex, Captain Rex and Commander Wolffe, they said you could help me."

Using the Force Kit brought the other sabre to her hand and then holsters her own as she holds the hilt towards the woman.

Ahsoka steps forward, hand slowly going to the hilt as she hangs the other on her belt beneath her robe, "Who are you?"

Kit lowers her hood and looks at her, "Kit."


"Kenobi." She finishes.

The woman's eyes seem to flash with a few emotions, happiness, love, respect and finally sadness. "Kenobi?"

Kit nods, "Obi-Wan was my father."

"And your mother?"

"Satine Kryze."

Ahsoka chuckles, smirking to herself, "I always knew it."

"I was told you could help me." Kit says following after her as she walks through the forest.

"Help? How can I help you?"

"I was looking for a Jedi, well I was looking for a friend but I can't find him, so I was sent to you instead."

Ahsoka stops finally and settles herself on a log as Kit stands before her, "I've been, having these sort of nightmares, and there's these voices that I'm trying to fight, but they're getting stronger," Her pleading eyes look up at the Jedi, "Please, I need to know what's wrong with me."

Ahsoka closes her eyes sighs, "How much do you know of the Force?"

"The basics, my father taught me, I found him on Tatooine, I didn't know he was my father at the time but he taught me the ways of the Force."

Ahsoka stands quickly, gesturing to the seat, Kit instantly sits there legs crossed crossed and back straight, "Reach out," Kit nods and before she can move her hand forward like she was going to Ahsoka adds on, "With your mind, not physically."

Nodding and giving a sheepish smile she closes her eyes and focuses, "What do you see?"

"Well, my eyes are closed, so, nothing."

Rolling her eyes the woman sighs, "This may take a while."

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