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✦✦✦✦ Pirates ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Pirates ✦✦✦✦

"Come at me, Tin-Man." Kit said as she ignited her lightsabre.

Ben and Grogu sat in the distance watching as Din hesitantly held the Beskar staff, Han and Leia watched from their porch as Kit flashed a smirk in Din's direction.

"She is going to rip that poor man apart." Han muttered shaking his head as he looped his thumbs through his belt loops.

"You sure about this, Princess?"

She grabbed her lightsabre and brought it down which he blocked with the staff by raising it, "Don't call me Princess, Peasant." She teased.

She twirled her lightsabre and stepped back as she walked around him in a circle, "You know, technically, if we were on Mandalore right now, you'd have to follow my every command."

She flashed him another smirk as she quickly ran her tongue across her teeth, she twirled her sabre around and threw it into her air catching it in her right hand in a reverse grip.

He tilted his head at her movements then copied her actions as he twirled the Beskar staff and held it in front f him. She nodded, slightly impressed before she advanced, she faked left and twirled around on her heel at the last minute successfully stopping her blade before it hit the side of his helmet.

"Kit: 1. Tin-Man: 0."

He shook his head and as she stepped back, he ducked down to swipe her feet out from beneath her knocking her onto her back, "1:1, Princess."

She rolled her eyes and ignored his offer of help as he got to her feet quickly, they continued to strike at each other.

Kit twirled her sabre as she dodged his staff, she ducked and quickly brought her lightsabre up to stop the staff from meeting her head.

She grunted as she pushed against his strength, he was much stronger than her, but she had more tricks up her sleeve, and she wasn't willing to loose either.

Hit after hit white sparks bounced off of the Beskar as she pushed back against him, but he held his ground. Teeth grit she grabbed her sabre with two hands and pushed against his staff even harder.

She held her breath and pressed further down, his knees gave way as he slowly dropped down, she released her hold and rolled away in time to miss the hit of his staff.

She twirled around and got up kicking his staff out of his hands as he fell to the floor.

Her chest heaved up and down as she stood above him, white sabre now at her side illuminating her right leg. She held her hand out for him with a smirk, "I think I win."

"Control, this is Juggernaut Four," A voice says over the comms bring Din from his thoughts, "We're coming up on some route interference... Control, control. We need a new..."

The Pilot's voice is cut off by a loud scream that makes the pair look at each other, "What was that?"

"Please stand by for reroute." A woman's voice says.

They watch as in the distance a large explosions goes off making them both flinch, "Juggernaut Four has been destroyed."

Mayfeld repeats the words back to them in a questioning tone but Din ignores him as he checks on the panel in front of him, "The rhydonium's still stable."

"Juggernaut Five," The Woman's voice says again, "Maintain speed and course. Proceed with caution. Re-routing course, stand by."

"Proceed with caution," Mayfeld yells, "Is she serious?"

"Control, this is Juggernaut Three. Requesting... Abort! Abort!" There's another explosion, this time closer to them and Mayfeld swerves to get around the blown up vehicle.

There's a loud thud and they both turn to look outside, "What the hell was that?"

"Pirates, keep driving," He orders, "I'll take care of it."

He opens his window and grabs his blaster shooting at the pirates as he hangs out of it, "Are you seriously shooting a blaster near rhydonium?" Mayfeld yells at him.

"They have thermal detonators-"


"-Keep it steady." Din finishes as he climbs through the hatch on the top of the juggernaut.

"Get these guys off us! Get them off us!"


Blood pouring from several wounds Kit hisses in pain as she leans her head back against the wall behind her.

After several days of continuous torture the Troopers finally left her cell leaving her all alone.

She worries for the kid, wherever they have him on this ship, she worries for Din where ever he is.

Using the back of her hand she wipes the blood from her nose, she grunts as she peels off one of the bandages and uses it to clean all the blood form her face making her feel a little better.

Her shaky hands go to the necklace hidden under her shirt, she lifts the necklace and fists her hand around it as she rests her chin atop the fist.

With a sigh she closes her eyes for a moment, enjoying the peace, "I'm sorry, Din."

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