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✦✦✦✦ Kit Solo ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Kit Solo ✦✦✦✦

"Sorry for the remote rendezvous, Mando. But things have gotten complicated since you were last here. It appears that introductions are in order," Greef yells up to them.

Kit's hand rests on her blaster as she looks down on them from atop the Burg she rides, "It seems we've both provided a security detail. I recommend the shock-trooper guards the ship, these lava fields are lousy with Jawas."

"She's coming with me."

"But the town is now run by ex-Empire. If a rebel dropper is with us, they'll all get their hackles up."

"She's coming."

He sighs holding his hands up in defence, "Fine. Fine. At least cover your tattoo. No need to flaunt it. Now, where is the little one?"

Mando hesitates, his hands resting on his blaster as he watches the Child's crib go towards them, "So, this little bogwing is what all the fuss was about."

He takes the Child out of the crib and Kit's hand tightens on the blaster as she holds her head high and stares down her nose at the Bounty Hunters, "What a precious little creature. I can see why you didn't wanna harm a hair on its wrinkled little head."

He gently places him back inside and the Crib goes back to its rightful place beside Kit and Mando, "Well, I'm glad this matter will be put to rest once and for all."

"The sun drops fast on Nevarro. We can walk for a spell and camp out on the river bank, then make our way into town at first light."


Kit sits beside the fire, re-wrapping her hands tighter with the bandages, "Kit." Mando calls.

She looks up, hands still moving the bandages around her wrist and tying it in place easily, "Rest."

She shakes her head and moves onto the next one, which she has already done twice, "Kit," He says again, a little more sternly this time, "You haven't slept in weeks, sleep."

"I'll rest when the Imp's head is at my feet."

"You won't be able to fight him if you're too tired or hungry." He reasons.

When she doesn't budge he sighs, "I'll wake you when we move, I promise."

She looks around at the group, Cara sleeps with her back resting against a log, and two of the Bounty Hunters rest with their backs against each other, their snores filling the area.


She lays down beside him and he grins happily that he got her to actually sleep, something he has been struggling to do since they first left Nevarro. He watches her as she slowly drifts off, her small puffs of breath blowing the hair from her face.

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