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✦✦✦✦ Rock Floating ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Rock Floating ✦✦✦✦

The Quartet finally stop after waking for a while, Kit lowers the hood of the brown robe as Ahsoka takes Grogu from Din.

"Let's see what knowledge is lurking inside that little mind."

She walks away stepping back to face him as she holds out a rock, she slowly passes it through the air towards him and it lands in his outstretched hands.

"Now return the stone to me, Grogu."

Kit walks from behind the place the kid is sat and stands beside Din, her memory going to few months ago when she first found Ahsoka.

"Stand right there." Ahsoka ordered as she walked away.

She lifted her hand, a small rock floating in the space between them and landing in Kit's upturned palm, "Now return the stone to me."

Kit huffed, fist closing around the stone as she dropped her hand, "Seriously?"

"Come on," Ahsoka encouraged a small smile tugging at her lips as Kit reminds her of someone she once knew, "You can do it, Little Jedi."

Rolling her eyes with a huff as she held her hand out Kit easily returned the stone to her, "This is pointless, this is all basic training, things that I know."

"Basic steps lead to great accomplishments."

"He doesn't understand."

"He does." She turns back to look at the green creature her hand still outstretched, "It's okay. The stone, Grogu."

Grogu throws the stone to the floor in front of him and Din sighs. "Little Jedi." Ahsoka says quietly nodding her head to Grogu.



Kit sighs shaking her limbs slightly as she walks over to Grogu and kneels before him.

She holds her hand out and he places his much smaller one in her palm, "I sense much fear in him." She says, her eyes close as he babbles along with her.

"He's hidden his abilities to hide over the years." Ahsoka says, a slight proudness filling her as she watches Kit get to her feet after completing something she has been struggling to do for some time.

"Let him try." Kit says looking at Din.

His head snaps towards her and Ahsoka sighs nodding as she gestures him over, he looks between the two Jedi, "I want to see if he'll listen to you."

"That would be a first."

"I like firsts. Good or bad, they're always memorable."

Kit holds the stone out towards him and he takes watching her as she steps back to look at the kid, "Now, hold the stone out in the palm of your hand. Tell him to lift it up."

Sighing he stands in front of the kid far away enough for him to not be too close but still in the Child's Force reach, "All right, kid. Lift the stone."

Smiling to herself Ahsoka leans towards him, "Grogu."

Ahsoka stands beside Kit, hands clasped behind her back as she watches while Kit stands with her arms crossed across her chest.

"Grogu," His head snaps towards Din as he coos, "Come on, take the stone."

Grogu makes no move to do anything, "See? I told you, he's stubborn."

"Try to connect with him," Kit says, "Feel it."

"Feel what?" He asks in annoyance.

"The Force, let it flow through you, straight to him."

Taking in a deep breath he looks back to Grogu, he takes a small ball from his belt, the lever from the ship, and then holds it out in front of him, "Grogu," He slowly kneels so the ball is eye level with Grogu, "Do you want this?"

"Well, go ahead, that's right take it."

Grogu reaches his hands out, "Come on, you can have it, come on."

Suddenly theirs a shift around them, the metallic ball goes from Din's hands to Grogu's.

"God job, good job, kid." Din cheers walking over.

Ahsoka, who is now leaning against the rock that Kit's back is resting against, looks to the girl beside her.

"You see that? That's right, I knew you could do it."

Din kneels before him and takes the ball back, "He's formed a strong attachment to you." Ahsoka speaks up. Kit looks to her sensing the worry coming from her, "I cannot train him."


Kit turns to her quickly as she stands up straight again, "Soka, you have to."

"Why not? You've seen what he can do."

"His attachment to you makes him vulnerable to his fears. His anger."

"All the more reason to help him."

She steps forward firmly, "No. I've seen what such feelings can do to a fully trained Jedi Knight. To the best of us. I will not start this child down that path, better to let his abilities fade. I've delayed too long, I must get back to the village."

She turns and walks away leaving the three to watch after her, "Soka, wait!" Kit calls as she runs after her.

"You have to train him, you trained me, I was the one with the Darkness filling me, he hasn't an ounce of darkness in his soul."

Ahsoka sighs, "It as different with you, Little Jedi. You had no attachments to any one, you are loyal, yes, and will risk yourself like a nobleman, but you have no attachments to anyone."

"I did." She mutters, "Just, a few weeks, just help him."

Ahsoka stops, Kit almost running into her back as she does, "You helped me, you brought me back from that path, help us bring back the kid too."

"The Magistrate sent me to kill you." A voice calls from behind them.

They both slowly turn to see Din following after them, "I didn't agree to anything. And I'll help you with your problem, if you see to it that Grogu is properly trained."

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