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✦✦✦✦ Tatooine ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Tatooine ✦✦✦✦

Yelping as the ship is thrown to the side Kit going with it, she climbs up to the cockpit, "Are you out of your mind?" She yells.

"Hold on!"

"Oh really?" She asks grabbing a hold of the Child and strapping him into one of the seats, "Thought I'd let go," She says sarcastically, "Go for a walk through open space, die of lax of oxygen, you know, the usual."

"Just sit down." He growls, done with her comments.

"I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold." The Bounty Hunter speaks over the comms.

Stopping the Razor Crest so they fly past hitting their wing of as he goes he shoots at the other ship. It blows up as they fly through the flame to safety, "That's my line."

"Great, now we're in space, with a broken ship, and now here to go."

"We have somewhere to go." He reasons.

"Oh, yeah," She huffs, "Where?"


He eyes widen and she jumps up in protest, "I'm not going to Tatooine."

"Why not?"

"I-I, no, absolutely not, drop me off here for all I care I'm not going back there."

He raises a brow beneath his helmet as he flies closer to the planet, "Tin-Man, I'm being serious, last time I was there I almost died and my friends almost got murdered in front of me. The time before that wasn't much better."

"At least you don't have friends with you this time." He shrugs.

She rolls her eyes and pushes the button that is locked onto one of the docking bays, pushing it so it turns green again he hits away her hand from the controls. "We're going."




"We're going, you can stay on the ship, it's the closest planet."

Rolling her eyes she angrily stomps across the cockpit taking a place in the seat furthest away from him.

"This is Mos Eisley Tower. We're tracking you, head for bay three-five."

"Locked in for three-five."


"Just stay here then."





Turning away he climbs down the ladder and goes outside. She listens to him and the worker arguing and rolls her eyes making sure he is gone when she leaves.

Tossing a coin to the woman, "There's more where that came from if you watch the kid for me."


"Not mine." She says quickly holstering her blaster and wrapping some fabric around her face.

Walking through the sandy place she looks around running when she sees a man standing surrounded by speeders.

"How much?"

Giving the correct amount to him she jumps onto the Speeder bike and speeds off through the dunes.

There is somewhere she needs to go, she may have to travel a little ways away to get there, but she'll go as far as she needs to.

The first place she finds is Luke's old house, covered in sand and dust, "He's probably far away from here but..."

Trailing off she enters the room squinting in the darkness, "Luke?" She calls out kicking aside some old droid parts.

Cursing under her breath she kicks a cup in frustration and climbs back out of the house.


"Hey!" Mando yells as he runs out of the ship with no Kit or child.

"I'm awake! I'm awake!"

"Where is he? Where are they?"

"Quiet! Oh..." She sighs rocking the crying Child on her hip, "Shh its okay. You woke it up. Do you have any idea how long it took me to get it to sleep?"

"Give him to me. Where is she? The girl?"

"Not so fast! You can't just leave a child or person all alone like that. You know... you've got an awful lot to learn about raising a young one."

She smiles at the child kindly rocking him back and forth on her hip as she tries to sooth him, "The girl took off just after you, give me some credits to look after him for her."

"Is she coming back?"

The woman shrugs, "I don't know, she just tossed me some credits and left on a Speeder bike, went towards the old dunes, no one goes down there anymore, its overrun with Tusken Raiders."

"Anyway, I started the repair on the fuel leak. There you go," She punches the machine and sighs in relief when the familiar whir fills the air, "I had a couple setbacks I wanna talk to you about. You know I didn't use any droids as requested, so it took me a lot longer than I expected. But I figured you were good for the money since you have an extra mouth to feed."

"Thank you."

"Oh. Oh I guess I was right. You got a job, didn't you? You know it's costing me a lot of money to keep these droids even powered up."

They go outside to where a man, Toro Calican, sits atop of a Speeder, "Hey, Mando. Whaddya think? Not too shabby, huh?"

Mando begins inspecting the bike, "Whaddya expect? This ain't Corellia."

Ignoring the wannabe Guild Member he turns to Peli, "If she gets back tell her I've got a job."

"She didn't look like she had any plans of coming back anytime soon, pal."

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