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✦✦✦✦ No Questions Asked ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ No Questions Asked ✦✦✦✦

"Where are the others?" Ran asks.

"No questions asked. That's the policy, right?" Mando asks.

Ran nods, raising a sceptical brow, "Yeah. That is the policy."

"I did the job."

The man nods, "Yeah you did." He tosses him a purse full of coins and Mando nods as he pockets them.

"Just like the good old days."

"Yeah, just like the good old days."

He gets into the Razor Crest, and takes off from the docking bay.

Rana and Qin watch as the Razor Crest flies away, "Kill him."

They both chuckles but it stops as they hear a beeping, looking down they find a tracking beacon in Qin's pocket, "What's this?"

"That bastard."

They look up as three ship drop out of hyperspace passing the Razor Crest, Kit grins as she watches from eh seat behind Mando.

He unscrews the small ball from the top of the lever and hands it to the Child, "I told you that was a bad idea."


Kit hisses, throwing her head back so hard that a thud rings through the ship, "Need some help?"

"I'm fine." She hisses, before rapidly tapping her foot on the floor of the ship creating an echoing bang.

"No you're not."

Mando walks over kicking a crate in front of her to sit on it, he takes the med pack from her hands and sets it aside, "Believe it or not, I've had worse." She says sighing.

"What' the worse you've had?" He asks trying to distract her as he begins to clean the wound.

She closes her eyes in thought, teeth grinding together and sweat forming on her head, "Besides being tortured, definitely a blaster shot to the abdomen," Her hand goes to the place the blaster had hit, where a scare sits under her layers of clothing. She lifts her shirt slightly to look at it, "Almost bled out, if it weren't for Han and Leia, I probably would've."

He tilts his head, hand going towards the scar before he can stop himself; he brings his hand back to himself as she drops her shirt and lets out a loud groan. He whispers an apology and she nods, eyes clamed shut.

"You're so stupid, Kit." Han said as he kept a hand on her bleeding wound.

"T-Thanks." She coughed.

"I need a medic, right now!" Leia barked furiously into the comms she held.

Kit looked up at the trees around them, the people fought around them yelling as shots were fired, "I-I think this is it." She said slowly as she tasted the metallic taste in her mouth.

"Hey, hey," Han yelled slapping her cheek slightly for her to look at him, "You hold on, alright? Luke'll be back, we're going to win, everything will be okay, you'll see."

Leia ran back over to them, taking over for Han as he shot out a few Stormtroopers, "You hold on, okay, Kit?" She nodded weekly looking up at the girl who had become a sister to her the past few years.



Leia looked up at her, her eyes full of sadness and worry, "Take care of Han for me."

"You can do that yourself, okay?" Leia asked, repeating the question when she received no response, "We'll get you fixed up and you and Han can go back to yelling at each other."

Sighing, Kit closed her eyes and grunted softly at the pain, "I-I think this is where I go," She said, "It's okay, we'll see each other again."

"Hey, Kit, open your eyes, keep fighting, that's an order, General..."

"Kriff!" Kit swears loudly as Mando presses a little too hard.

He mumbles and apology and lifts her leg to rest on his thigh as he wraps a bandage around her leg.

"You're hurt." She says quietly, her hand going to the blood slowly dripping from the wound on his shoulder.

He pushes her hand away and sets her leg down on the ground carefully, "Its nothing."

"It's not nothing." She says rolling her eyes and grabbing the medical pack from him.

She gently peels off the armour covering the wound and takes the batcha spray from him, he watches her movements through the visor of his helmet.

Her teeth biting down on her lip and the furrowed brows as she concentrates, the gentleness of her touch and her soft hands on his skin, she leans closer her breath tickling the skin on his neck revealed from the lack of armour.

He winces slightly and she sucks in a breath muttering an sorry much like he had for her, leaning away from him and helping put back on his armour when she finishes she gets to her feet, "You good?"

"I'm good."

"Me too."

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