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✦✦✦✦ Auntie ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Auntie ✦✦✦✦

The door to the bridge opens and the group inside turn to see Din supporting a beaten up Kit as Gideon stumbles in front of them.

Bo-Katan steps forward hesitantly, head tilting as she looks to Kit who is taken to the side by Cara, Kit doesn't notice the red head watching her as she's wrapped in a hug by the shock trooper.


Kit furrows her brows turning to the source of the soft call of her name.

She tilts her head at the familiar face and lets go of Cara to slowly walk forward, she stumbles slightly as she's still weak and Din steady's her, she pushes his hands away and walks towards the woman.


Bo-Katan nods and slowly steps down the last step before taking Kit in her arms an letting out a soft chuckle.

She pulls back holding her face in her hands as she pushes the hair form her face, "You have your mother's eyes." She whispers with a smile.

Kit smiles back taking in the moment, "I-" She cuts herself off with the shake of her head, "I thought you were dead." Bo-Katan finally finishes.

Kit shrugs lightly and steps back again, "I thought you forgot about me."

"I'd never forget about you, Little Kryze." She says, using the nickname she had given the young girl she once knew.

Bo-Katan sighed and she lifted her fist to knock on the door again, this time a little louder.

Rolling her eyes at the stubborn old woman she kicked the door open and walked inside, "Hello?"

When she received no answer she walked further inside towards the old room that belonged to her niece, "Little Kryze?" She called out in using sing-song voice.

She opened the door to see her bed empty, her sheets thrown on the floor as if she was in a hurry, the window of the room was smashed open and the toys she had, old Mandalorian toys that Bo-Katana and Satine played with as children, were broken and thrown around.

"Little Kryze? Kathleen? Kathleen!"

Bo-Katan's gaze is brought from Kit when she sees the Darksabre in Din's hands, "What happened?"

"He brought him in alive, that's what happened," Cara says, she walks over and pats the Child's head, "And now the New Republic's gonna have to double the payment."

"That's not what she's talking about."

Kit turns to look at Gideon, "I'll still kill you, information in your brain or not, don't test me."

He smirks and raises his hands in surrender, "Why don't you kill him now? And take it?"

Cara grabs him by the collar and forces him down, "What are you talking about?"

"The Darksabre. It belongs to you."

Din deactivates it and walks towards Bo-Katan holding it out, "Now, it belongs to her." Kit watches in confusion as Gideon chuckles.

Bo-Katan makes no move to grab it, she just stares at him, "She can't take it. It must be won in battle. In order for her to wield the Darksabre again, she would need to defeat you in combat."

Din shrugs holding it closer to Bo-Katan, "I yield. It's yours."

"Oh, no." Gideon chuckles darkly and Kit steps towards him, her lightsabre in her hands, "The Darksabre doesn't have power, the story does."

"Once upon a time, the Mandalorian gave the Darksabre to the other Mandalorian, the end." Kit shrugs her shoulders slightly as she leans against the table behind her trying to give herself a small break.

"Without that blade, she's a pretender to the throne."

Bo-Katan refuses to look at both Din and Kit as she keeps her gaze on the grinning Gideon, "He's right."

"Come on, just take it."

Kit sighs using the Force to take it away from Dina and set it on the table behind her, "Can we settle this another time?"

An alarm blares suddenly making them all look to the control panel where Reeves is standing, "Well, perhaps she'll get another crack at it."

"The ray shields have been breached, we're being boarded."

"How many life forms?"

Fennec looks over at them all, "None."

Din and Kit share a wide eyed glance, "You're about to face off with the Dark troopers. You had your hands full with one," He then turns to look at Kit, "And a Jedi with just four. Let's see how you do against a platoon."

They watch on the screens as they boards the ship, "They're headed this way."

Kit grabs her lightsabre, looking to the Darksabre but deciding against it, she grunts as she walks towards the door with a slight limp.

Everyone watches with furrowed brows and Din runs over catching her hand before she can open the door, "What are you doing?"

"Giving you guys times."

"You think you can take them on by yourself?"

"I took on more than you, Mr-I-struggled-with-one."

"At least I didn't get kidnapped by them."

She raises an eyebrow at him and he stars right back at her with his grip still firm on her wrist, "Kit, you're in no shape or form to fight anyone."

"I just saved your life."

"I saved your life first."

Cara watches them along with the other three women, her brows lifting, "Huh," She says quietly earing the other three's attention, "They're back to normal already."

"This is normal?" Reeves questions crossing her arms as she looks back to the duo.

The Quartets attention is brought back to them as Din struggles to pull her away from the control panel, "There has to be switch in here somewhere."

"Let me go." He ignores her as she drags her further away from the door, "Tin-Man, I mean it, let me go."

"For you to run out there and get yourself killed, no thanks."

She rolls her eyes and he lifts her up setting her on the space beside the control panel he's working on.

"Stay there."

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