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✦✦✦✦ Memories ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Memories ✦✦✦✦

Twelve years ago...

"Kit!" Han yelled as he stormed through the ship.

Kit, who was sat in the cockpit, eyes widened to three times their size as she fell from the co-pilots seat.

Jumping up as a very angry looking Han came into the cockpit she smiles, "Yes?" She asked sweetly.

"Where is it?"

"Where's what?"

"I'm not playing around right now, Kit, where is it?"

She sighed and looked down at her feet, "But he's so cute."

"You cannot keep a porg on my ship."

She grabbed the small bird animal from the seat is was occupying and held it in his face, "But it's so cute, look at that face!"

She held the porg up towards Han, he simply scowled and pushed it away, "Get rid of it, Kit, I mean it."

"Fine." The sixteen year old sighed walking towards the door.


Chewie growled, pointing to the right switch, Kit nodded as she flicked it, "Okay, then?"

He pointed to the lever, ignoring the grumbles of Han who sat behind them, she hummed grabbing a hold of it. She smirked to herself as she remembered Han's line, "Punch it, Chewie!" She yelled pushing the lever forward with the help of the Wookie.

They went into Hyperspace easily and the pair cheered while Han mumbled something along the like, 'That's my line.'

Kit smiled as she stood, "See!" She yelled, "I told you I could do it! Now will you teach me properly?" She asked.

Han looked up, a frown still on his face but he nodded nonetheless, as soon as she moved out of the way he sat back in his seat.

She rolled her eyes and followed Chewie out of the cock pit, turning to go towards her room.


Kit looked at Ben with a raised brow, "I'm a what?" She asked.

"A Jedi." He repeated firmly.

"I'm no Jedi."

Ben sighed taking a box from under the bed that he had stowed away he passed it over to her as she sat cross legged on a chair.

"What is this?"

"The weapon of a Jedi Knight."

She flicked open the brown box and inside she found a large silver hilt. Taking it she set the box on the table, "That was mine, when I was a Jedi Knight."

She flicked on the switch illuminating the lightsabre, a blue glow took over the room and she stood waving it slowly back and forth.

"Why is it blue?" She asked swinging it around effortlessly as if she has been using it for years, "Why don't you have a cool colour? Like grey... or purple?"

Ben simply watched as she began moving around the room, blue sabre twirling around, she moved it into reverse grip and started spinning around the room.

He ducked as it came over his head and she stopped wincing slightly, "Oops, sorry."

He shook his head, waving it off, "It's yours."


"Yes." He nodded.

She looked down at it, throwing it into the air and catching it in her left hand as she did a few little spins and then disabled it.

"It's really mine?"

He nodded, "I'm going to teach you the ways of the Force, Kathleen, one day, you'll be a proper Jedi Knight."

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