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✦✦✦✦ Din ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Din ✦✦✦✦

Din holds his hand out helping Kit over the last rock, "Time to go, kid."

The pair run over but he's still deep in concertation as the blue glow surrounds him, "Wait, don't, we can't-"

Din ignores her as he attempts to break the barrier, he grunts as he struggles to get through. He lets out a loud yelp as he's thrown backwards.

Kit quickly runs to him and helps him sit upright, "I told you not to do that." She mutters shaking her head.

He groans allowing her to pull him to his feet, another ship flies in above them, "I don't think this guy is going to be done anytime soon," She says nodding her head towards the kid, "We better go down there."

He stops her from walking away and brigs her back to him, "You stay here."

"Are you kidding me?"

He squeezes her hand lightly, "I'm not telling you to not fight, I'm just saying you're the strongest-"

"Exactly, that's why I should fight."

"-So that means," He continues, "That if they get through us, they'll have to get through you too. You're the one I trust most to protect the kid... please."

She sighs and looks over her shoulder at the kid, she slowly shakes her head and he places a gloved hand on her cheek turning her to look at him, "Please?"

"Fine, But you owe me. I really wanted to stab some people."

He mutters out a 'thank you' and quickly presses his helmet to her forehead before letting her go as he walks back. He steps back grabbing his blaster and running off down the hill.

Kit perches on the top watching him run down, "Be careful!"

"You too!"

She watches as he disappears from her view, a few minute later returning near the Stormtroopers as he begins to fight them off.

There's a cooing noise behind her as the Child falls back against the rock, she runs over to him gently nudging him to see if he's okay. He gurgles before falling unconscious.

Looking out over the distance she sees the two ships get blown up and fall into the mountains.

Stepping away from kid she walks towards the edge to see the trio down below watching. She flinches as a large red blaster shot flies out of the air landing at the Razor Crest.

The ship gets blown up, large puffs of smoke filling the air. A large ship appears above them and Kit looks up as four figures fly towards them. "Kriff." She mutters igniting her sabre and running too stand in front of the Child.

One of the Dark troopers land in front of her raising its hand to knock her back, yelping as she gets hit back she quickly wipes away the blood with the back of her hand.

Twirling her lightsabre she slashes it across the Dark trooper's chest, she ducks to avoid its punch again and brings her lightsabre through its legs dropping it to the floor.

She brings her blade down stopping another Trooper from reaching for the child, she goes to grab her blaster and shoots at the other two Troopers flying in above them but the blaster shots don't affect them.

One of the others land and hits her blaster away. She jumps back reigniting her lightsabre and holding it in a reverse grip, she charges at the three left standing, one now with only one arm.

Successfully twirling her sabre she cuts off the other arm and stabs it through the chest allowing it to drop down, just as she brings her lightsabre out of the chest one of the ones behind her grabs her arm.

Its electronic arm forces her down and she lets out a loud yell as she drops her sabre to the floor, it rolling a few feet away.

Gritting her teeth she attempts to use the force but a sickening crack that fills the air makes her scream instead.

The Dark trooper drops her to the floor, the two remaining ones walk around, one of them picking up the kid and the other going towards Kit.

She clutches her broken hand and desperately crawls away from the large droid, "Tin-Man!" She screams out, her voice desperate as something overtakes her, an emotion she hasn't felt for a long time, "Mando! Din!"

The Trooper lifts his arm and brings it down silencing her screams as she drops unconscious Din's name leaving her lips one final time.

Din pushes himself to go faster as the desperate calls of his name meets his ears, he leaves Fennec and Fett behind as he sprints up the mountain top, "Princess!" He yells as he watches the two Dark troopers lift off, one of them holding a limp Kit and the other holding the baby that coos as he reaches for Din.

He curses loudly and attempts to shoot them down but misses, walking back his foot hits something on the ground.

Crouching down he lifts Kit's lightsabre and wipes the dust from it before hanging it on his belt. "I'll get this back to her."

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