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✦✦✦✦ IG-11 ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ IG-11 ✦✦✦✦

"It hasn't grown much." Kuiil observes as they get off the ship and walk towards him.

"I think it might be a strand-cast."

"I don't think it was engineered. I've worked in the gene farms. This one looks evolved. Too ugly. This one on the other hand," He says gesturing to Cara, "Looks like she was farmed in the Cytocaves of Nora."

"This is Cara Dune. She was a shock-trooper."

"You were a dropper?" Kuiil asks.

Cara nods, "Did you serve?"

"On the other side, I'm afraid. But I'm proud to say that I paid out my clan's debt and now I serve no one but myself." He says proudly.

An IG unit enters, Mando, Cara and Kit all jump up, blasters trained on the droid as it walks closer, "Would anyone care for some tea?"

"Please lower your blasters. He will not harm you."

"That thing is programmed to kill the kid." Mando says his blaster still pointed at the droid along with Kit's.

"Not anymore," Kuiil says simply as the IG unit sets a tray of cups down in front of them, "It was left behind in the wake of your destruction. I found it, lying where it fell, devoid of all life. I recovered the flotsam and staked it as my own in accordance with the Charter of the New Republic.

"Little remained of its neural harness. Reconstruction was quite difficult, but not impossible. It had to learn everything from scratch. This is something that cannot be taught with the twist of a spanner. It requires patience, repetition. I spent day after day reinforcing its development with patience and affirmation. It developed a personality as its experiences grew."

"Is it still a hunter?" Kit asks, her brows raised and eyes on the droid.

Kuiil shakes his head, "No. But it will protect."

The droid lifts a cup towards the, "Tea?"

Kit smiles slightly taking the cup as she remembers her old droid.

Han sighed watching as the seventeen year old left the market, the green droid still following her around, "Must you bring that thing everywhere?" He asked.

"Yes," She said simply resting a hand atop the droid's head, "It was my father's, Han, I'm not leaving it."

"How do you know it was your father's? What if that old man just wants to get rid of this piece of junk so he's selling you a false story?"

"The man's name is Ben, and he's not a piece of junk, are you, Ar-three?" She asks turning to the droid who beeped happily and rolled away making sure to hit Han as he passed.


"For the last time, R3," An annoyed Luke said as the green droid hit into his leg again, "I don't know where Kit is, last I saw of her she was fixing up an X-Wing in the hanger."

Kit sighed as she tightened the bolt that was coming lose on someone's X-Wing, something hit her leg making her roll her eyes, "Han, I swear-"

A chirping noise interrupted her and she rolled out to see her droid looking back at her, "Hey, Ar-three, what's up?"

He let out a series of beeps and she sighed, "I know, I want to fly too but we can't," She said getting up and wiping her hands on her trousers, "We have to stay here, we're commanders now...right, sorry, I'm a commander now." She apologised.

The droid let out a noise that sounded like a sigh and she chuckled shaking her head, "Go bother Han for a few minutes, he's in the Falcon with Chewie, hiding from Leia."

Suddenly the droid remembered why he was searching or her in the first place, "Leia wants me? Where is she?"

'The Control Room'

She smiled thanking the droid and patting him on the head as she passed, promising over her shoulder they'd go out flying one day in the week.


"Please, be careful, Ar-three." Kit said as she crouched in front of him.

Luke placed a hand on her shoulder promising he'd bring the droid back in one piece, R2 nudged her foot and she smiled turning to face him, "You too, Ar-too, just be careful, all of you." She said giving a stern glare to Luke.

He brought the girl up and wrapped his arms around her in a hug, "I will, look after Leia for me." He asked, she nodded her head and stepped back.

"Go get you father, Farm-Boy."


"He'll do it." Mando says waking over to Kit.

She stands in the middle of the dusty grounds, hands clasped behind her back, staring at the mix of pink and purple before her and allowing the breeze to push her hair over her shoulders.

He stands beside her, turning away from her to look at the sunset in front of them.

She sighs, eyes closing as she allows herself to relax in the peace that surrounds them.

"Soon, this'll all be over," He says, she opens her eyes and looks up at him from the corner of her eye, "Then you can go back to... your life, you can leave."

"Yeah," She nods, trying to hide the frown that settles on her face, "I can leave."

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