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✦✦✦✦ Bo-Katan ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Bo-Katan ✦✦✦✦

The door to the cockpit opens to reveal Din, with his baster raised, he steps inside and looks at the trio, "Before you make a mistake, this is Dr. Pershing." One of the pilots says.

"We've met. Are they alive?"

He nods, "Yes. They are on the cruiser."

He gasps as the first pilot, that spoke, takes him around the neck and points a blaster at his head. Cara walks in behind Din with her blaster pointing it at the pilot, "Stay back, Dropper."

"Easy, pal, okay?" The other pilot says as he holds his hands in the air, "I'm not with him. We can work something out."

The other pilot shoots him making the Doctor squirm, "Drop your weapon." Cara orders.

"No, no, you listen to me. This is a top-tier target of the New Republic. This is a clone engineer. And if they find out he's dead because of you, you're gonna wish you never left Alderaan."

Cara raises a brow as she tilts her head slightly to the left to look at him better, he chuckles, "I saw the tear. You wanna know what else I saw? I saw your planet destroyed. I was on the Death Star."

"Which one?"

"You think you're funny? Do you know how many millions were killed on those bases-?"

"Drop your weapon."

"-As the galaxy cheered?"

"Last chance."

"-Destroying your planet was a small price to pay to the rid the galaxy of terrorism-"

He's cut off by Cara shooting him and his body dropping to the floor. Din watches her turn away and leave with a smirk.


Din walks into the bar, Boba following closely behind him as they spot the people they are looking for sitting in a corner. They make their way over slowly and the duo looks up when they see them.

"I need your help."

"Not all Mandalorians are bounty hunters," Bo-Katan says as she watches them closely. "Some of us have a higher purpose."

"They took the Child."


"Moff Gideon."

"You'll never find him." She says turning away.

Din opens his mouth to speak about to say who else they have taken when Fett turns to him, "We don't need these two. Let's get outta here."

"You are not a Mandalorian." She says turning to look at him as they have now fully grabbed her attention.

Boba turns to face her, "Never said I was."

"I didn't know sidekicks were allowed to talk."

Boba chuckles as he walks closer to Reeves, "Well, if that isn't the Quacta calling the Stifling slimy. Easy there, little one."

"You'll be talking though the window of a bacta tank."

"All right," Bo-Katan says raising her hand to stop them, "Save it for the Imps."

Din turns his attention back to the other woman as he speaks, "We have his coordinates."

"You can bring me to Moff Gideon?"

"The Moff has a light cruiser. It could be helpful in your effort to regain Mandalore."

Fett scoffs, "You gotta be kidding me, Mandalore? The Empire turned that planet to glass."

"You are a disgrace to your armor."

"This armor belonged to my father."

"Don't you mean your donor?"

Boba takes slow steps towards her, "Careful, Princess."

The two women rise slowly from their seats, "You're a clone. I've heard your voice thousands of times."

"Mine might be the last one you hear."

Reeves throws a punch and Fett steps back to dodge it, he throws her aside and uses his grapple hook to latch onto her arm.

He tries to pull but she twist her arm around and grabs a hold of the rope pulling him towards her. She knees him in the gut and uses her jetpack to flip them over.

They both throw flames at each other as Bo-Katan interrupts, "Enough! Both of you!" She orders, "If we had shown half that spine to the Empire, we would have never lost our planet."

She turns back to Din and nods her head, "We will help you. In exchange we will keep that ship to retake Mandalore. If you should manage to finish your quest I would have you reconsider joining our efforts. Mandalorians have been in exile from our home for far too long."

"Fair enough."

"One more thing, Gideon has a weapon that once belonged to me. It is an ancient weapon that can cut through anything."

"Almost anything-" Reeves interrupts.

"It cannot cut through pure Beskar. I will kill the Moff and retake what is rightfully mine. With the Darksabre returned to me, Mandalore will finally be within reach."

"Help me, and you can have whatever you want."

She nods and walks past him with Reeves following after her, "Wait, there is something else." He calls after them.

They both stop and turn to look at him, "They have Kit."

"Kit?" Bo-Katan questions with a raised brow, "Who is Kit?"

"Your niece."

Bo-Katan freezes and shakes her head, "My niece is dead, along with her mother and her father."

"She is alive," He states walking closer, "She was taken, by the Empire as a Child, when I rescued the kid last time I also rescued her, she travelled with me for a while before we parted ways. When we finally met up again she was taken with the kid."

Bo-Katan clenches her jaw and takes a step forward, "If I find out that you're lying to me-"

"I'm not."

"-You'll be sorry."

"Kathleen is alive, help me get her back, and you can finally see her again. She and the Child and my top priorities."

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