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✦✦✦✦ Just Like You ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Just Like You ✦✦✦✦

"I'm not gonna need long inside," Mayfeld says as the group stand on the cliff's edge watching the shipment, "So once I get the coordinates, you guys gotta get me the hell out of there."

"You get to the roof. I'll drop in and pull you out."

"All right," Cara says, "Mayfeld and I will swap out for the drivers in the tunnel."

Mayfeld turns to look at her with disbelief written on his face, "As much as I'd like to take a road trip with Rebel-dropper here, that's not gonna work."

"Oh yeah," Cara says showing she's done with him already, "Why's that?"

He sighs and turns to look back at the bridge, "Well, because these Remnant bases are set up and run by ex-ISB. If you get scanned and your genetic signature shows up on any New republic register, you're gonna be detected and its guns out."

"You sure do know a lot about Imperial Remnants."

Mayfeld turns to look at her quickly, "If you wanna accuse me of something just say it."

Din sighs quickly breaking up the fight, "We don't have time for this, Fennec will go."

She shakes her head, "I'm wanted by the ISB, I'll trip the alarm, too."

Din turns to look at Boba, "Fett?"

"Let's just say they might recognize my face."

"Great, so it's me going in all alone."

Cara shakes her head, "No way. The minute he gets inside he'll tip 'em off. He'll be a hero."

Mayfeld and Cara begin to argue back and forth behind them as Din steps forward turning on his visor, he watches the two Stormtroopers inside the vehicle.

"I'll go."

They all turn to look at him and Mayfeld chuckles as he makes a face, "Hey, buddy, I might be good at fast-talking, but I don't think I explain away a guy in a Mando suit to Imperial guards. So, unless you're gonna take off that helmet, it's gonna be me goin' in alone. Or say goodbye to the General and your little green friend."

"You're not going alone, I'm coming with you. But I won't be showing my face."


"Oh my God, this guy reeked, his gloves are still wet." Mayfeld mutters as he pulls on the boots.

Cara and Mayfeld stand in front of the large Juggernaut as they wait for Din, Cara keeps her gaze on the man who shifts awkwardly.

Clearing his throat he finally makes eye contact, "So, how'd you know the General?"

"Fought under her for some time, she's an old friend." Cara answers blankly, her hand resting on her blaster.

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