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✦✦✦✦ Force Visions ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Force Visions ✦✦✦✦

"What do you see? Feel? Hear?"

Kit's eyes close tighter, "Energy, the wind, the planet, life..."

Ahsoka nods watching as the girl's nose scrunches in concentration, "Go deeper." She urges, "What's there?"

Kit's brows draw closer together and she flinches slightly as a bright light appears in front of her, the light moves until it forms a path, and then another one forms beside it.

The first path is bright, just a large light that stretches out into the distance, but the other is full of trees, its darker and looks longer than the first.

"There's two paths," She says briefly describing them to her, "I'm going down the first one."


"Give in..."

"Don't listen to them..."

"You did this..."

Several voices speak to her, filling her senses and blocking out Ahsoka, "What? Who's there?" She calls.

"Kit, Kit can you hear me?" Ahsoka yells when the girl begins mumbling to herself.

The darker path seems to move closer to her and she takes a step back before curiosity over takes her, she steps forward only to begin falling.

She begins to panic as darkness surrounds her, much like her dream she had a few days ago, distant voices call out to her, edging her to continue but she stumbles back. "No, no, Ahsoka! Ahsoka!" She yells.

She turns to look behind her and reaches for her sabre to produce any amount of light, but the only light she can see is a red light in the distance, a red sabre spins in front of her and for a moment she thinks it may be Darth Vader, she had faced the man before, allowing anger to take over her as she attempted to avenge her father moments after his death.

The light grew closer and she notices the person keeps their hood up and head down, the red sabre flies towards her but a blue one blocks it, she looks to see her father, or a younger version of her father standing there with his lightsabre protecting her.

She watches them fight, neither of them noticing her presence, she wants to help but she doesn't know how.

She watches as Obi-Wan gets knocked back and the persons hood falls down revealing long blonde and auburn hair.

Her eyes widen as she watches herself stalk towards her father, "D-Dad!" She yells.

Diving forward she shields her father with her own body and closes her eyes accepting death, but it doesn't come, instead she opens her eyes to see that neither are there anymore.


"Be strong, Kathleen, fight it, open your eyes, fight it."

Kit gasps, falling off of the log with heavy pants leaving her mouth.

She looks up at Ahsoka who quickly kneels beside her a hand on her arm as she catches her breath, "What the hell was that?"

"You're stronger than I thought," She comments helping the girl sit up straight, her back resting against the log, "But you have a lot of work ahead of you."

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