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✦✦✦✦ X-Wing ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ X-Wing ✦✦✦✦

A hand rests a top of Din's making him look down at it, he follows the hand to find Kit's eyes fluttering open slowly, shutting again as the light blinds her slightly.


She looks up, brows furrowed and moves herself to sit upright as she tilts her head to look at him again. "Din?" She says in a whisper.

He cups her face, pushing her hair behind her ears and chuckling as he rests his forehead against hers.

He wraps his arms around her and she gladly returns the hug, arms around is neck as his rubs up and down her back, "Never do that again."

Everyone looks over then they hear the chuckle and they all jump when they see Kit with her arms holding on tightly to Din, having to do a double take when they see her mouth move as she speaks to the man.

"Kit?" Cara calls hesitantly.

The girl looks up and they all have to hold in their gasps, "What- but you're-?"

Kit stands suddenly, a little wobbly causing Din to hold onto her, pushing his hands away she walks towards the window as an X-Wing appears.

"An X-Wing."

"One X-Wing, great, we're saved."

"Not just any X-Wing," Kit says with a smile as she watches it dock, "Open the doors for him."


"Are you crazy?"

"Open them."

Fennec looks around at everyone, both Din and Cara giving her encouraging nods, sighing she opens the doors for the mysterious man watching the screens as he struts through the corridors.

The droids outside stop suddenly and everyone furrows their brows. Kit grabs her lightsabre keeping one hand pressed against where the Darksabre was moments ago, as she walks over to stand beside her aunt who watches the screen in front of her.

Bo-Katan places a hand on her shoulder and gives it a gentle squeeze but Kit's gaze remains on the man that walks through the ship.

"Why did they stop?"

The aunt and niece watch as the cloaked figure takes out a lightsabre and takes out a few of the droids.

Kit smiles chuckling slightly, "Luke."

"A Jedi?"

Din turns his head when he hears Bo-Katan's whisper.

He follows Kit as she stumbles forward to stand before the door, quickly following after her he stands just behind her with his baster in his hand.

They watch on the screen as the elevator opens, a green lightsabre illuminates as the droids turn to the man.

The man easily walks forward taking them all down, using the Force and his lightsabre skills.

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