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✦✦✦✦ The Mandalorian ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ The Mandalorian ✦✦✦✦

The Mandalorian looks down at the small child in the crib and then at the droid beside them, the tracker still beeps in his hand and he looks towards the door behind him.

Kicking open the door he finds a girl sat on the floor, hands cuffed above her head and an unamused look on her face.

Her hair is twisted into a half up messy bun being held up by a torn bit of fabric as strands fall framing her face, it is a mix of blonde and auburn colours which makes most people raise a brow. There is a simple braid that hangs down from the hair, that isn't in the bun, tied together with a string of leather.

Her clothes are all dark colours, a black shirt tucked into some pants with a jacket, given to her by Han, over the top, she wears large brown boots and has white bandages wrapped around her wrists and hands. Her wrists are filled with bracelets but the one that stands out most to him is the rebellion sign carved from wood.

Her blue eyes peer up at him through long lashes, her sharp features standing out in the lighting. She has a crystal hanging around her neck on a piece of string that matches her eyes along with an old symbol on a chain and a silver looking weapon hanging from her belt.

Looking up at him she raises a brow while blowing a blonde strand from her face, "You just going to stand there all day, Tin-Man?"


Kit smiles at the green baby in front of her as they walk, she makes faces at him and jumps back when the crib slams shut in her face, "What is it?" She asks jogging to catch up with the Mandalorian.

He remains silent as they walk through the cliffs and she nods her head with a sigh, "Okay," She says raising her brows to her hair line as she sighs, "I've seen one like it before, only one, he died though, spoke in riddles, he was really weird."

Again she is met with silence, sighing she kicks a rock in front of her as they walk.

"Okay, there's-"

"Stop talking." He says.

"Okay then," She sighs, "So you don't want to know that there are currently four men above us, three behind and in front," She stops as does he and she moves back as a blaster shot hits where she was moments ago, "And they're heavily armed."

Bounty Hunters approach them and the Mandalorian takes off his blaster, he goes off fighting one side leaving her all alone.

She sighs looking at the hunters approaching her and shrugs, lifting her arms as she ducks she breaks the cuffs.

Jumping up she kicks one man back and then rolls away, grabbing his staff she hits back another hunter and jumps up on some lose rocks. Leaning forward she wraps her legs around his neck successfully snapping it and landing on her feet.

Grabbing the fabric in her hair she pulls it lose allowing her hair to fall around her face. As a hunter punches forward she shifts to the side wrapping the fabric around his hand and twisting him around, she uses it to use his fist to punch himself in the face, letting one side of the fabric go she spins him around and head butts him.

The last hunter approaches her and she goes to kick them back but stops when a blaster shot hits them in the chest, "I had it." She says tying her hair back up out of her face.

The Mandalorian walks over and she raises her hand for a high five, "We did go-" Her face falls and she raises a brow lifting her newly cuffed hands in the gap between them, "Really?"

"Keep going." She sighs, rolling her eyes and follows after him, the crib with the baby following after the pair.

They keep walking silence, Kit looking at the Bounty Hunter beside her every couple of minutes as if he'd suddenly say something.

Looking around the area she doesn't notice the Mandalorian has suddenly taken off running until the crib holding the child follows after him hitting into her as it goes past.

She sighs and slowly walks after them, she thinks over what her life has come to as she walks, muttering under her breath about smugglers and bounty hunters.

Just a few years ago she was saving the universe, training in the rebellion with Luke and Leia, and going on adventures with Han and Chewie, and now, now she is running for her life, her family is in hiding and the one time she needs him, Luke is nowhere to be found.

She could leave, she could run and live a life on the planet, but something is telling her to stay with the Child. A force is pushing her towards it, telling her to watch over it.

Jogging lightly to catch up she stops on a cliff where she sees the Mandalorian chasing after a Sandcrawler.

"You're not going to catch it!" She yells to him, "Trust me, I grew up around these things, you won't catch it."

"I can try!" He shouts back and jumps onto it, he grabs one of the Jawas throwing them out of the fortress and she rolls her eyes as she slowly crawls down the mountain side to get to him.

She gets to the bottom just as he gets thrown off hitting the ground harshly besides the Child's crib, nodding her head and rolling her eye she slowly walks towards him.

She kicks his side gently but he doesn't move, kicking him again she drops down beside him with a roll of her eyes.

Sighing she glances over at the green baby who coos at her tilting his head, she lifts him out of the crib, setting him on the ground and he waddles around picking up rocks and other things and bringing them back over to her as they watch the sun slowly set above them.

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