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✦✦✦✦ Goodbye ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Goodbye ✦✦✦✦

"You're still leaving?"

Looking up from where she is packing her bag Kit nods, she shoves her weapons into the bottom and holsters her blaster on her thigh.

Folding up a blanket Winta had knitted for her as a thank you and putting it inside the small backpack she grabs her brown jacket and pulls it on over her black shirt that is untucked like usual.

"Yeah." She breaths out finally standing up straight with her bag over her shoulder, "Later today, its best for the Child, best for you."

"What about what's best for you?" He questions as she passes.

She falters in her steps, not used to being asked that questions, "What's best for me is protecting the kid, me being away from him is what's best for him, besides, I have someone I need to find."

He follows her out to where she tosses her bag to the floor ready for her departure, "You could always stay," He suggests, "Stay here, live out a good life."

"I've never been one to settle down," She admits, leaning against the railings as the wind blows through her hair, he finds himself leaning beside her, his gaze on the sunrise in front of them, the orange and pink mixing and dancing through the sky, a perfect mixture of calmness and boldness. It reminds him of Kit.

"It's never come easy to me," She continues, "Never come easy to anyone in my family, really. Mother decided to settle down, got murdered. Father tried to settle down, lived a long life by himself filled with pain and suffering."

"I'm sorry."

"For?" She asks looking over at him before her gaze goes back to the rising sun, "I didn't know them anyway, found out my mother died when I was fourteen, she died years before that, met my dad and the exact same day he risked himself for my safety."

Shaking her head and plastering on her usual smug grin she moves herself so her side is resting against the railing and she's facing him, "Besides, I've been too quiet for too long, got to go reek some havoc somewhere in the Universe, how else will my friends or enemies now I'm alive?"

She kicks herself off of the railing walking over to the children that ask her to play she smiles, picking up one of the villagers kids she spins him around laughing as they all chase after her.

Mando watches, a soft smile under the helmet as she picks Winta up running away from the kids with her as they try to 'attack' her.

Feeling a slight tug on his leg he looks down at the Child who stares up at him with wide eyes, bending down he picks him up and sighs, "Yeah, kid, she's going."


Waving one final time and hugging goodbye Omera and Cara, Kit turns to leave walking through the trees.

She has to leave, it's what's best for all of them, no attachments, her newest rule since having to explore the galaxies by herself, no getting attached to people, they either leave or sell you to the Empire.

Kicking the twigs beneath her feet she focuses her mind on the future, the journey ahead of her instead of the people she just left behind. The life she just left behind.


"So, what happens if you take that thing off? They come after you and kill you?" Cara questions looking up at Mando.

"No. You just can't ever put it back on again."

Cara scoffs, "That's it? So, you can slip off the helmet, settle down with that beautiful young girl you've been travelling with and raise your kid sitting here sipping spotchka?"

"Yeah , well, she's gone now," He says looking away from the woman sat beside him, "You know, we raised some hell here a few weeks back. It's too much action for a backwater town like this. Word travels fast. You might wanna cycle the charts and move on."

Cara raises her brows, looking over at the green alien creature that runs around with the children, "Wouldn't wanna be the one who's gotta tell him."

"I'm leaving him here. Travelling with me... that's no life for a kid. I did my job, he's safe. Better chance at a life."

"It's gonna break his little heart. Kit left him because she knew you could protect him, she believed in you, I don't think she would've left if she didn't have a little faith in you."

"He'll get over it. We all do. And if she truly wanted what's best for him, she would've stayed."

He walks off, walking over to Omera, "Excuse me. Can I have a word?"

"Of course."

"It's very nice here."

"Yes." She nods with a polite smile.

Mando looks over at the child, "I think it's clear he's... he's happy here."

"What about you?"

"Me?" Mando asks, a little taken aback.

"Are you happy here? We want you to stay. The community is grateful. You can pack all this away in case there's ever trouble. You and your boy could have a good life. He could be a child for a while. Wouldn't that be nice?"

"It would."

She slowly lifts her hands to his helmet, slowly rising it until he catches her wrists shaking his head, "I don't belong here. But he does."

Omera nods sadly, her hands dropping to her sides, "I understand. I will look after him as one of my own."

There's the sound of a blaster shot in the distance, "Go get the kids." He orders grabbing his blaster and running towards the trees. Omera nods, running over to the children and trying to calm their panicked state.

Mando holds his blaster up as he breaks through the trees, it instantly lowers when he finds Cara standing over the body of a Bounty Hunter, "Who is he tracking?"

"The kid."

"They know he's here."


"Then they'll keep coming."

"Yes." He grabs the tracker crushing it in his hands only for another slow and steady beep to fill their ears, "Kit."

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