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✦✦✦✦ Like a Prayer ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Like a Prayer ✦✦✦✦

Din steps back watching as Gideon stands before him, he looks down at the black weapon and then looks into the room, from where he stands he can just see Kit's feet, limply lying where she had been thrown to.

He turns back to Gideon and takes out Kit's lightsabre from his belt activating it for a white glow to reflect on his Beskar armor.

Gideon smirks as he walks towards him, "Do you know how to you use that?"

"I've seen it done."

Moff Gideon strikes first and Din struggles to meet his blow quick enough, he grunts pushing against the Darksabre with the lightsabre.

Moff Gideon easily disarms him and kicks the sabre behind them as Din quickly stumbles backwards.

He smirks and walks towards him only to stop as Din grabs his Beskar staff, he deflects two blasts then holds the staff out to stop Gideon's blade.

He tries to remember the lessons Kit had given him on how to properly use it. "You're strong, use that to your advantage."

He pushes against Moff Gideon's sabre, "Always move your body before you staff, that way you'll avoid the attackers weapon." He ducks down and swings his staff up again to block the Darksabre.

Moff Gideon pushes his sabre against the staff and drags it across the wall creating sparks.

He brings his sabre back and Din kicks his staff up to stop it before pushing back against him, her wraps a cord around Gideon but the man easily cuts it.

He twirls the staff again but Gideon drops to the floor and takes out his feet.

Din grunts as he lands on his back, staff landing arm's length away from him. He parts his legs as the Darksabre lands where they would've been. He crawls backwards to avoid the sabre until his back meets the wall.

Moff Gideon smirks, he raises the sabre up in both hands and brings it down only for a white one to stop it.

Kit grunts, eyes dark as she uses all her strength to guide the man away from Din.

Breathings heavily she twirls away from his sabre and brings hers around herself to stop it from hitting her in the back. Ducking down she kicks her foot out and he falls back but instantly gets to his feet to block another strike of hers.

She moves forward, blows getting stronger and harder as she becomes fuelled by her anger. Anger of him hurting and torturing her, anger of him keeping the Child, and anger for him hurting Din.

She uses the Force to push him back but regrets it instantly as she feels herself weaken, shaking her head she twirls her lightsabre into a reverse grip and lifts it to block the Darksabre.

Stepping forward again she slashes at his arm earning a yell of pain as her sabre meets his skin, she becomes weaker the more she goes on but the adrenaline doesn't allow her to stop.

Din, who had been too awestruck to move finally gets to his feet grabbing his staff as he runs after them.

He brings his staff down on his arm hitting away the Darksabre as Moff Gideon falls to the floor.

He points the pointed end of the staff to his neck and he raises a brow, "You're sparing my life? Well, this should be interesting."

Heaving in a large breath Kit collapses against the wall behind her, after he cuffs Gideon and grabs the Darksabre hanging it on his belt he rushes to her.

"Kit?" He cups her face making her look up at him but her eyes are closed and she takes deep breaths, "Come on, Princess, you're okay."

She nods, swallowing the lump in her throat as she allows him to help her to her feet. He goes to walk away when she's stabled against the wall but she stops him by grabbing his wrist, "Thank you, Din."

He nods his head and squeezes her hand as he hands her the lightsabre, she smiles slightly, hanging it on her belt and then watches as he go to get the Child.

Grogu coos putting his hand towards Kit who just smiles weakly, "It seems you've used all your energy." Moff Gideon observes.

"I still have enough energy to kill you." She states simply as she ignited her lightsabre making him flinch much like she had.

Din hands her the child and loops one hand around her waist as she leans against him for support, he looks down at her and checks her over quickly, "Are you okay?"



"Just, get us to the others." She says with a sigh.

He nods and pushes Gideon to walk in front of them, Grogu coos as he holds onto the necklace Kit wears, she smiles softly as he chews on the signet. Din smiles at the necklace she still wears, even after everything.

"I guess he heard you after all." Gideon speaks after they've walked in silence for a few minutes. "She yelled your name like a prayer."

Din shoves him forward harshly ignoring him, "She screamed, and she screamed for you, but you never came when she wanted you most."

This time Kit shoves him forward with her free hand and Din squeezes her hip lightly making her look up at him.

She offers a small smile and he squeezes her hip again letting her now he's smiling right back.

Moff Gideon turns around but Din activates the Darksabre and points it at him before nodding for him to go on.

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