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✦✦✦✦ A Mistake ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ A Mistake ✦✦✦✦

Din sighs watching Kit as she plays with the broken lightsabre in her hands, "You shouldn't have left her." Ahsoka says as she walks over to stand beside her.

"I know."

"It was a mistake."

"I know."

He sighs watching her through the visor of his helmet, "She has grown to be strong, a true Jedi."

Din tilts his head to the side but Ahsoka keeps her gaze on the girl they're talking about, "Funny," Ahsoka muses, "She came to me with trouble of the dark side, since you've arrived, it has gone."


"Well, subsided."

Kit stares down at the broken sabre in her hands, the crystal now in her pocket as there's no point in wasting it.

She leans against the porch of one of the houses watching as they celebrate the new Magistrate of the village.

The crowd cheers, they all look much happier than the many months she's been here.

She allows a smile to take over her face as she watches them, her eyes catch sight of Ahsoka and Din both of them talking, Ahsoka smiles when she catches her eye and then nods her over.

Kicking herself off as she shoves the broken pieces into her robe she walks over, the trio walk towards the open gates and finally come to a stop, "I believe this was your payment."

Ahsoka holds the Beskar staff towards him but he shakes his head and steps back, "No. I can't accept. I didn't finish the job."

"No. But this belongs with a Mandalorian."

Din turns his head to look at Kit but she paces her hand on her lightsabre telling him she has her own weapon.

He slowly wraps his hand around it and nods, she nods back and drops her hold on the staff, "Where is your little friend?" Ahsoka asks.

"Back at the ship."

Ahsoka nods then looks between Kit and Din, the latter still looking at Kit, the Jedi steps back allowing them to talk, "You can always come." Din suggests.

"I thought you didn't want me around."

"That was a mistake."

She nods and steps up beside him looking at the views around them, taking in a deep breath he closes her eyes, "Kit," He says quietly and she hums letting him know she is listening, "You..." He sighs and looks away from her.

She nods reopening her eyes and looking at him, "You should go."

He nods his head once and then walks away, Ahsoka shakes her head as she steps up beside Kit, who watches him walk away, "You should go with him." Ahsoka says.

"For him to leave again, no thanks."

Ahsoka smiles shaking her head, "He did that to protect you, not to hurt you."

Kit rolls her eyes slightly watching as the metallic glint on Din's armour catches the sun, "He helps."


"He helps you control it, you may have threatened him a few times, but his presence calms you, more than I or any other person can."

She places a hand on Kit's shoulder giving it a gentle squeeze, "You need each other."

"I can't just leave you, 'Soka." Kit reasons.

Ahsoka smiles and shakes her head as she turns to fully look at her, "I'll always be around, just a call away. Good bye, Little Jedi."


Din watches Ahsoka turn and walk away with a sigh, he turns back around and then places Grogu down in his hammock.

Feeling a presence behind him he turns quickly, blaster raised in the air to find Kit standing there, arms crossed, unflinching at the baster in her face.

"Room for one more?"

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