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✦✦Rightful Rulers of Mandalore ✦✦

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✦✦Rightful Rulers of Mandalore ✦✦

Din takes out the two guards standing before the door easily, walking past their bodies he places the code cylinder into the door unlike where he blasted open Kit's door.

The doors open and he quickly makes his way inside but stops when he sees the sight.

Grogu stares up at him, small cuffs on his tiny wrists and Moff Gideon stands beside him, Darksabre activated and hanging loosely above the kid's head as his other hand holds a fistful of Kit's hair.

Din looks to Kit and she subtly shakes her head only for Moff Gideon to tighten his grip allowing a whimper to fall from her mouth.

Clenching her eyes shut she looks back to Din, pure fear showing in her gaze.

His breath catches in his throat as he looks at her. She's all bloodied up, her clothes full of it, her hands are cuffed behind her back and she moves her hands every couple of seconds telling him that they are hurting her.

Blaster still pointing to Moff Gideon he walks closer, "Drop the blaster." He orders, "Slowly."

Din complies instantly, he steps the blaster down, gaze locked onto Kit who looks to the kid from the corner of her eye and back to him again.

He slowly nods his head at her and she follows him with her eyes as he stands again. "Now kick it over to me."

Din lifts his foot kicking the blaster towards him, aiming for it to go closer to Kit, when it lands within her reach but not to close he feels a little better, that is until Gideon picks it up himself and throws it away from them both.

"Give me-" Kit nods her head towards the kid and gives him a stern look, "Give me the kid."

"I told you," Kit laughs, sending a look to Din that says play along, "He doesn't care about me, I was only a pawn in his game."

Moff Gideon tightens his grip on her hair and pulls her head back, it takes everything in Din not to step forward, not to pounce at Gideon, but when he meets her eye again he relaxes.

"Give me the kid." He says again.

"He's fine where he is," He waves the Darksabre above Grogu's head and Kit gulps loudly as she watches from the corner of her eye, "Mesmerizing, isn't it? Used to belong to Bo-Katan."

Din looks at him quickly, brows furrowing under his helmet, "Yes. I know you've been traveling with Bo-Katan. A friendly piece of advice, assume that I know everything, like the fact that your wrist launcher has fired its one and only salvo."

"Where is this going?"

"This is where it's going."

He brings the Darksabre to Kit's neck and she moves herself away from it, eyes wide and breathing picking up, "I know you care about her, no matter what lies you both try to sell me."

Kit lets out a small whimper as the Darksabre is brought closer to her, "I know that she means more to you than you lead on, so if you take another step closer, my hand may just..."

He's cut off by a large scream rippling through the air as he presses the Darksabre against her stomach, tearing a hole in the fabric of her thin button up.

Din steps back quickly and the sabre is brought away from her body allowing her to give off a sigh of relief. A tear falls down her cheek at the pain and Din swallows hard at the sight.

"And I'm guessing that Bo-Katan and her boarding party have arrived at the bridge, seeking me, or," He lifts the Darksabre, Kit flinching as he does which makes Din's heart clench, "More accurately, this."

"But I'm not there," He continues, "And I imagine they've killed everyone on the bridge, being the murderous savages that they are. And now, they're beginning to panic. You see, she wants, this. Do you know why? Because it brings power."

"It belongs to the Kryze family," Kit says firmly, "It belongs, to the rightful rulers of Mandalore. My family, it belongs to me."

He silences her with a tug on her hair and she grunts trying to hold in the cry of pain, "Whoever wields this sword has the right to lay claim on the Mandalorian throne."

"You keep it, I want the kid and the girl."

Din looks to Kit who nods her head slowly, "Very well. I've already got what I want from him, and she's no use to me anymore." He deactivates the Darksabre and drops his hand to his side.

His hand lets go of Kit's hair and he pushes her to the floor, her hands still cuffed behind her back means she lands on her shoulder, letting out a sharp breath she allows Din to rush to her side and lifts her up to sit up right.

Din stands up straight again and Kit crawls backwards until she hits into his legs, her hand grasping his ankles behind her back as she looks between Grogu and Gideon.

"His blood. All I wanted was to study his blood. These beings are extremely gifted, and have been blessed with rare properties that have the potential to bring back order to the galaxy."

"You mean to make you the ruler," Kit says glaring in his direction, "The Darth Vader wanna be," She muses finally getting her courage back now that Din his here, "But guess what, even that monster still had good in his heart, he still turned on the Empire, just like every decent person will when the right people bring order to the universe. Not some Palpatine failure."

Moff Gideon ignores her as he clenches his jaw, he looks to Din whose gaze is now settled on the Child, "I see your bond with him. Take him," Din steps around Kit, her grip being forced to loosen, "But you will leave my ship immediately and we will go our separate ways."

Din nods and walks forward as Gideon walks away, "Din!" Kit yells as he activates the Darksabre and goes to strike at him, she uses the little energy she has to grab a hold of Moff Gideon's hand.

"Get off." He hits her with the hilt of the sabre and she falls to the floor at his feet as Din covers the kid with his body.

Din moves backwards, protecting himself from each blow as he moves the fight away from the kid and Kit.

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