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✦✦✦✦ Stop Calling Me That ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Stop Calling Me That ✦✦✦✦

Din settles down in his seat and sighs, Cara continues to keep an eye on Mayfeld who sits awkwardly opposite them while Fennec casually lounges in her own seat.

"We need coordinates to off Gideon's cruiser." Din orders.

"Moff Gideon?" He scoffs, "Yeah forget that. Just take me back to the scrapyard. I'm not doin' that."

"They have his kid."

He looks between them, "The little green guy? Where's the General?" He asks looking around, "She's probably not happy about that."

"They got her too." Din sighs looking down.

"So, I help you guys get them back, you guys let me go?"

"That's not how this works."

He looks between them and shakes his head in disbelief, "Well then what's in it for me?"

"You get a better view."

He sighs and rubs his hands on his trousers, "All right, but here's the thing, I can't get those coordinates unless I have access to an internal Imperial terminal. I believe there's one on Morak."

"Morak?" Din questions, "There's nothing on Morak."

"It's a secret Imperial mining hub, okay? If you can get me in there, I can get you the coordinates."

Din turns to the pad beside him and clicks on the comm link, "Fett, punch in the coordinates to Morak."

"Copy that."


Din sighs as he looks at the stars passing, he plays with the white crystal that hangs around his neck.

He clutches the crystal tightly in his palm as he stares into nothingness.

Kit yawned as she curled up in on herself, the dim light of the stars illuminated the dark cockpit.

"Hey." Din spoke softly as he turned to face her, the Child had fallen asleep hours ago and was resting in his hammock below them.

She muttered a greeting back but made no other move to acknowledge him, "Get some rest, Princess."

"Stop calling me that." She mumbled.

He rolled his eyes and stood up, "Come on."

She curled further into herself creating a tight ball as she closed her eyes, "Kit." He sighed but she didn't budge.

Rolling his eyes he lifted her up from the chair and held her as he walks out of the cockpit and towards the room downstairs.

He gently lay her in the small room pulling the blankets up over her before standing back, "Get some sleep." He said softly.

"Goodnight, Din." She whispered before her soft breaths filled the silence.

Din watched her for a moment with a soft smile before going back to the cockpit and staring out at the stars.

"We'll get him back," Cara brings Din from his memories as she sets a hand on his shoulder, "We'll get them both back."

"I did an initial scan of the planet." Boba says as a hologram appears before them all, "This is what you're talking about, right?"

They all look at the hologram map as a large mining hub shows up, "Yeah, that's the refinery right there." Mayfeld pointing to it.

"Wonder what they're refining in there." Fennec glances around at everyone sceptically.

"Looks like rhydonium," Boba says staring at the map, "Highly volatile and explosive."

"Yeah," Mayfeld chuckle, "Kinda like this one, huh?"

Everyone turns to stare at him blankly and he stops laughing to suck on is teeth, "They have anti-aircraft cannon protecting it." Boba continues.

"And a platoon of soldiers." Fennec adds.

"So we go in quite," Din reasons, "Let's go get a closer look."

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