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✦✦✦✦ Master Solo ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Master Solo ✦✦✦✦

Landing the ship slowly Din gets up from his seat and leaves the cockpit to see Kit pacing as Grogu watches.

"What's wrong?"

"I think you should stay here."

"I'm not leaving you go out there alone."

She sighs rolling her eyes as she walks closer, "It's just, these guys, they're a little-"

"I don't care what they are, I'm coming." He says firmly.

"Will you just for once listen to me?"

He steps closer to her, the Child now in the small pouch on his hip, "I'm coming."

He walks straight past her and out into the docking bay leaving Kit to send insults under her breath as she walks past gesturing for him to follow after him.

"Should I be worried?"

"Now you're worried." She mutters, feeling the annoyance radiating from him she shakes her head, "No, but I should."

She leads him through the place she had been just a few months ago, her hood is up as she walks, last time she landed closer to their house, this time she landed closer to the city. Or Din landed closer to the city.

Kit sighs when she sees the figure running towards them, "Watch out," She mutters, "Incoming!"

She catches Ben in mid-air then twirls him around before setting him on her shoulders, "Hello there, Master Solo."

She brings him back to the floor and begins tickle him, he rolls around as he giggles spluttering, "Stop, stop it, Kit, stop!"

"Yield." She demands with a smile.


"Okay, okay," He shouts after a few more seconds, "I yield."

She lets him go and stands up straight but the five-year old brings out one of his fake lightsabres and hits her in the leg with it.

"Dad said soon I can have a real one." Ben says happily as he continues to hit her with it.

She grabs him by the back of his shirt lifting him into the air, "Then I can look out."

"Hey, who's that?"

Kit turns as she sets Ben back on the ground to see Din awkwardly standing behind them, "That is..." Kit trails off as she look back to Ben, "None of your business, Master Solo."

She picks him up from the floor and walks towards the house, "Come on, Tin-Man, you wanted to come."

He follows after her quickly, his hand resting on Grogu's head as he rubs his thumb back and forth, a slight smile filling his face under the helmet as he watches her interact with the Solo kid.

"Dad! Dad! Help!"

Han comes running out of the house, still drying his wet hands with a hand towel but stops when he sees Ben squirming in Kit's grip, "Ben, how many times do I have to tell you to stop doing that?"

"It's the fastest way to get your attention." Ben shrugs as he's placed on the ground.

"Get inside, trouble maker," Kit says ruffling his hair before turning to Han, "We need your help."


"Tython?" Leia questions looking between the Mandalorian and the old Rebellion General.

Kit sighs nodding her head, "I know you've read the texts-"

"You were supposed to read them too." Leia points out.

She rolls her eyes, "I had stuff going on, come on."

"Like what?"

"Looking after your husband when he went out, didn't want him falling back into smuggling again did we?"

"Hey!" Han yells from the other side of the room.

Leia rolls her eyes, "I know the coordinates," She admits grabbing a small piece of paper as she writes the coordinates down, "I also know it's how you reach out to other Jedi, why are you going there?"

Kit looks back to Din who remains stiff as he stands close to her, she nods her head and he tilts his head, "For Gods sakes, show her."

He sighs and reveals the Child in the pouch that was covered by his cape, "Meet Grogu."

"Didn't know you had it in you, Kit." Han says in amazement as he leans closer.

Leia hits his arm the same time as Kit hits the back of his head, "I talked to 'Soka-"

"We." Din corrects.

Rolling her eyes she continues, "And she said its best to let him choose his own path."

Leia sighs as she straightens herself out, "Let's get started."

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