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✦✦✦✦ Family Reunion ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Family Reunion ✦✦✦✦

"You okay?"

"Fine, why?"

Mando looks down at Kit as they walk behind the group, "It's just, that man seemed to know you."

"He knew me, the old me, I've been many things since, things that the rebellion would frown upon."

"You've been a survivor." He says repeating her words back to her.

She shrugs looking up at him briefly, "Of sorts."

"Zee, open it up." Mayfeld says when they arrive at the right cell.

"You have 15 minutes remaining."

"Open it up!" Mayfeld yells into the comm.

The cell door opens and another Twi'lek walks out, a similar colour of purple to Xi'an, "Qin..."

"Funny. The man who left me behind is now my saviour," The man says walking out, "Mando."

Kit lets out a yell as Mayfeld grabs her, Burg shoves Mando into the cell and Mayfeld throws Kit in right after, Mayfeld fires a blast into the cell as the door closes and Mando tries to fire one at the door but they both ricochet around the cell.

Kit lets out a pained cry as Mayfeld's shot hits her in the leg, Mando dives on top of her covering her with his Beskar armour from the other shot that hits him in the back.


"Sister!" The two Twi'lek greet each other with smiles and hugs.

Mayfeld interrupts as they break apart from the hug, "Attack's on the way. He's already dead meat! Let's go!"

"Come on, it's better this way."

"You deserve this!" Xi'an yells into their cell.

Mando sits up quickly being careful as he inspects her leg, "I'm fine." She says through gritted teeth.

"Here." He rips part of his cape off and ties it around her leg receiving a wince as she grips his shoulder and closes her eyes tightly.

"I'm good." She breaths out leaning back against the wall.

She watches as he looks out of the gaps in the bars, leaning her head back and blinking away the tears of pains he struggles to push herself up. Grunting she bites her tongue and hits her head against the wall to try and make her stop thinking of the pain in her leg.

Limping over she watches as he uses his grapple hook to catch a droid and brings him towards the cell, he reaches down and rips off its arm. He shoots the droid making it fall back against the floor.

He uses the key on the arm to unlock the door from the inside and Kit grins to herself, he wraps an arm around her helping her back to the control room.

When they get there Mando goes straight to the control panel while Kit limps towards Davan, she leans down beside him and closes his eyes, "Sorry I failed you, soldier."

Mando turns back around and stops when he sees her leaning down beside him, "Kit," He says quietly, "Don't do that."


"Blame yourself."

She looks away grabbing Davan's old blaster and getting to her feet, Mando looks down at the body and sighs when he sees one of her many bracelets on his chest. It's one of the three rebellion leather bracelets.

"I've got Mayfeld you get the rest." She says waking down the corridor trying her best not to show any pain from the wound in her leg.

"What the f-" Mayfeld says as he walks through the halls.

The sound of something igniting behind him makes him turn but no one is there, thinking there is someone behind him he turns again but there is still nothing there.

The sound of a ignition can be heard again and he turns just in time to see Kit standing there, a blaster now held at his head and an illuminated weapon at his neck, "You're a-"

She hits him with the butt of her gun and watches as he drops to the floor, holstering both of her weapons she looks up just in time so see Mando coming towards her. "Three down..."

"One to go..."

"Qin!" Mando yells when they spot him climbing the ladder.

"You killed the others." He assumes.

"They got what they deserved." Mando shrugs, blaster trained on the Twi'lek.

Qin walks closer to them, their blasters following his movements, "You kill me, you don't get your money. Whatever Ran promised, I make sure you get it, and more. Come on, Mando. Be reasonable, huh?" He throws his blaster to the floor and holds his hands out, "You were hired to do a job, right? So do it. Isn't that your code? Aren't you a man of honour?"

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