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✦✦✦✦ Life Lay Down ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Life Lay Down ✦✦✦✦

"She has a small army of guards armed with 1350 blaster rifles. "Din explains as they walk.

"Two HK-87 assassin droids, and a hired gunfighter." Kit continues for him.

Din nods, "He reads ex-military to me. Combined, not even your laser swords would be able to protect you from all that fire power."

Ahsoka chuckles as they come to a stop, "True," She admits, "But don't underestimate the Magistrate either."

"Who is she? She offered me a staff of pure Beskar to kill you."

"Morgan Elsbeth," Ahsoka says crossing her arms over her chest, "During the Clone Wars her people were massacred. She survived, and let her anger fuel an industry, which helped build the Imperial Starfleet. She plundered worlds, destroying them in the process."

Din leans against the tree beside him, the same one Kits back is resting against so he towers over her, but she ignores him, "Yeah," He sighs looking away from Kit, "Looks like she's still in business."

"When you were in the city did you see any prisoners?"

Kit shakes her head, "She didn't keep me with other ones," She tells him, "And I had a sack over my head the time I was in the village."

"I saw three villagers strung up outside the gate."

Ahsoka begins to walk back and forth as she thinks of a plan, "We must find a way to free them."

Kit nods in agreement, "Go ahead, but I'm killing Lang."


Ahsoka takes off running towards the wall, she lifts herself up just as the guards sound the alarm. Kicking back one of them she fights them off with her two white sabres.

As she fights off blaster shots with one hand she pushes a guard back with the other. Using the Force she rips one of their guns away from the guard knocking another back.

The gun less guard holds his hands up in surrender and runs away quickly.

Twirling around she strikes down the large bell that sounds the alarm.

The large gates open and the Magistrate walks through with her guards, she watches as Ahsoka slowly walks from one end of the village her robe flowing behind her in the wind.

She tosses Din's shoulder pad that holds the signet to the floor and the Magistrate's eyes slightly widen, "Your bounty hunter failed. Tell me what I want to know. Where is your Master?"

"Kill her."

"Love to."

They all shoot at her and she jumps up onto a roof deflecting the shots easily, "I'll take care of this."

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