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✦✦✦✦ Bounty Hunters ✦✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Bounty Hunters ✦✦✦✦✦

Not waiting to see if Cara is following Mando takes off through the trees, using his helmet to look for her footprints in the mud.

Hitting branches out of his way as he runs, blaster in hand and grip deadly he forces himself to go faster.


"Han, wait." Kit complained as she jogged to catch up with him.

"I don't have all day, Kid."

"I'm not a kid." She grumbled finally reaching him and the Wookie.

Han rolled his eyes opening the door for the fifteen year old to go inside the Cantina, "Don't touch anything, come to me if you see trouble, you have a blaster if someone gets too close, or if you're bored."

Staying close to Chewie as he moved through the bar as she looked around the place, "Can't I go see the race pods?" She asked tugging on Han's sleeve.

"Fine, but don't go too far, and be back here by sun down."

She nodded, a smile taking over her face as she ran back outside. Looking around at the ships and racing pods she smiled to herself, she'd always wanted to be a pilot, always wanted to take off and explore the universe.

Of course she did with Han, but only Chewie let her pilot, which was a very rare occasion, Han loved the Falcon way too much.

Looking up she met the eyes of boy around her age, he walked holding onto an older man's hand, his piercing blue eyes looking over at hers and his blonde hair a mess.

The boy was tugged away into the crowd by his friends who ran over and Kit tilted her head with a sigh, she didn't have many friends her age, and she was fine with that, but she always wondered what it would be like to have some.



So lost in her own thoughts on the decision to leave, Kit doesn't notice the two men sneaking up on her.

A harsh kick into her side which knocks her bag from her grip and her to the floor is when she realises there are people there.

Kicking herself up she goes to attack but a rope wraps around her neck, limbs flailing as she tries to pry the rope from her neck she blindly reaches down for her blaster.

Gasping for any bit of air she can, she reaches back and stars punching the Rodian holding her. The other Hunter gets up from where he was looking through her bag, finding nothing of interest he makes his way over.

Using the person behind her as leverage she kicks herself up and hits the second Hunter away from her, this makes the Rodian angry causing him to tighten his grip on the rope.

Spluttering and gasping her face begins to turn purple, "Tin...Man.."


Mando runs, faster than he has before, his mind telling him one thing 'Get to Kit before the Bounty Hunters'.

He hears the distant noise of a fight and then three blaster shots, stopping for a moment to determine which way it was they came from he wastes no time in running in that direction.

Appearing through the trees he sees two Bounty Hunters dead on the floor and Kit gasping for air.

He kneels beside her placing a hand on her back to which she jumps pointing her blaster at him but relaxes when she sees it's just him.

He looks over his shoulder at the Hunters, a human with a blaster shot to his head and then a Rodian with two to his chest, standing he collects her bag and catches sight of the metallic weapon laying not too far away.

Grabbing both things he makes his way back over to see Kit is now fully sitting up, her eyes watching him as if he was to attack her at any moment.

"You okay?"

She nods, clearing her throat, "Did th-" She rubs her throat trying to sooth the pain as she talks, "D-Did they get the Child?"

He shakes his head, "Cara saw the Hunter before he could get too close."


He holds a hand out and she stares at it for a moment before accepting it and pulling herself off of the ground. Her bag and weapon still in hand, he leads her through the trees.

She stands there, arms crossed before grumbling and following after him. "Guess you aren't leaving then?"

"Well, you have my belongings." She says nodding her head to the bag in his hand refusing to meet his eye.

He hands her the silver weapon and she takes it carefully, her small hands wrapping around it, still she continues to follow after him.

He knows she would've left if she truly wanted to, despite him having her bag, all she wants is that weapon and she would be gone.

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