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✦✦✦✦ You're Safe and Sound  ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ You're Safe and Sound ✦✦✦✦

Another scream ripples through the calmness of the air. The electric rods are taken away from her body and she slumps forward being held up by only the chains attaching her to the wall.

Kit lifts her head weakly watching the Stormtroopers part for Gideon to walk through.

Gideon lowly crouches before her, pinching her chin roughly for her to look up at him.

"Tell me," He says slowly as he grabs a hilt form his belt, "Do you remember this?"

A large dark blade illuminates in her blue eyes that widen three times their size.

Gideon chuckles dryly as he waves the Darksabre in front of her, her eyes follow the sabre as she moves further back into the wall.

"Oh you do," He muses, "I can still hear the piercing scream that fell from your lips as a child," Kit visibly gulps, "Imagine, if I kill the rightful heir to Mandalore with the weapon she should possess."

He moves it closer to her and presses it down on her shoulder, she screams loudly, throat going raw.

He leans forward and pressing finger to her wounded shoulder, another scream escapes her lips as he increases the pressure, "Where is he?"

"I don't know."

"Where is he?" He yells, he adds another finger to her wound stretching it out so it begins to bleed causing her to scream even louder.

"I don't know, and even if I did, I wouldn't tell you."

He rolls his eyes and stands again bringing the sabre back towards her, he raises the sabre and brings it down onto her again as she lets out one final piercing scream allowing one name to get screamed out.



Din awoke from his sleep as he heard the sheets rustling opposite him. He glanced outside and not a villager was awake on Sorgan, the sun hadn't risen yet and the stars still shone in the sky.

He sat up fully rubbing his eyes, another sniffle came and he looked across to Kit's bed to see her tossing and turning in her sleep.

"Please, don't..."

He debated on going back to sleep and letting the girl fix her own problems, she'd be leaving in a few days anyway, but with a final sigh he placed his helmet on and walked across the barn.

"Kit." He said nudging her but she didn't wake up.

"Kit." He tried again but she still didn't move.

He sighed and sat on the edge of her bed, he placed a hand on her shoulder and shook her awake. She gasped sitting upright almost head butting his helmet but he moved away just in time.

"Hey, hey." He said placing both hands on her shoulder's as she looked around, "You're okay."

"W-What?" She continued to look around, chest heaving up and down as she took in large gulps of air.

"You're okay."


The kid looked up as he dropped the metallic ball, a loud clank ringing through the ship, "Shh, shh," Din said quickly handing the ball back to him, "Kit's finally sleeping don't wake her up now." He said.

The kid made a sound that sounded like an apology before leaning back in the chair.

Din sighed flicking on autopilot as he got up, "Stay here, and don't touch anything."

He climbed down the ladder and walked towards the weapons vault only to stop as he heard Kit mumbling something in her sleep.

He glanced into the open room where she shifted and shook her head quickly, sweat gathered on her forehead and she clawed at her wrists.

"Kit." He called as he walked towards her.

She muttered something as she turned over in her sleep, it was then he noticed the tear that fell from her eye, "Kit." He spoke softly as he sat on the bed it dipping form his weight.

"Princess." He said as he shook her awake and she sat upright.

"You okay?"

"Fine." She grumbled as she looked down at her hands that trembled before her.

He looked he over through his visor trying to take her mind off of the obvious nightmare she just had, "At least now I know how to get your attention."

He guided her to sit upright properly and then gently grabbed her trembling hands, "You're okay."

She just stared into his helmet as her chest continued to rapidly rise and fall, "I'm sorry." She apologised quietly.

"Don't be," He said dismissively. He watched as she fiddled with the bandages on her hands rewrapping them so tight that they'd surely cut off her blood stream, "They can't hurt you anymore, you're safe."

"Am I?" She asked, her tone telling him she didn't believe it, "They'll never stop, the nightmares, the bounty hunters, they'll all come back eventually."

"Then we'll fight them off," He said as he tried to loosen the bandages on her hands, "We'll fight them all off together."

She brought her hands to her chest stopping him from touching the white fabric, "Can I?"

She hesitantly held her hands towards him and he took it carefully. His gloveless fingers unwrapped the bandage to revel large scars across her hands and arms.

His finger traced the largest one that went from between her pinkie and ring finger all the way up to her forearm.

His touch created goose bumps on her skin, slowly he placed the bandage between her thumb and index finger before wrapping it around her hand slowly, his fingers moved to straighten out the bandages making sure it was tied properly before he moved onto the next hand.

"What are these from?" He traced the scar on her middle finger, the only one that she allowed to be seen over the top of the bandages.

She watched as his finger moved to trace another scar, his touch lighter than a feather, "The Empire," She said in a whisper as she didn't want to disturb the peace they both created between them, "Some from fighting in the rebellion, but most of them are from the Empire."

"What happened?"

"They caught me," He gently wraps her hand again, not as tight as she did but still tight enough to distract her from the pain, "They'd ask me questions and if I didn't know the answer, or didn't answer at all..." She trailed off as she looked at her hands.

He finished up the last bandage and gently pated the top of her hand as it fell back to her lap.

"You're safe and sound now, Princess."

Safe & Sound {D.Djarin} Where stories live. Discover now