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✦✦✦✦ Ghosts ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Ghosts ✦✦✦✦

Din curses quietly as he still spots no sign of Kit, crouching down with his blaster in his hand he walks through the tall grass. Someone begins shooting at him making him jump to hide behind a rock.

Peeking around the corner he trains his gun on the person, "I've been tracking you, Mandalorian." A figure covered in a hood appears opposite him.

Lifting himself up he keeps his blaster trained on the man, "Are you Jedi? Or are you after the Child?"

The man removes his hood as he walks forward, revealing a scared face, "I'm here for the armour."

"If you want my armor, you'll have to peel it off my dead body."

"I don't want your armor. I want my armor, that you got from Cobb Vanth back on Tatooine. It belongs to me."

Blaster still pointed at the man Din tilts his head, "Are you Mandalorian?"

"I'm a simple man, making his way through the galaxy. Like my father before me."

"Did you take the Creed?"

"I give my allegiance to no one."

Tightening his grip on the blaster he lightly shrugs his shoulders, "The Beskar belongs to the Mandalorians. It was looted form us during the Purge."

"The armor was my father's." The man speaks, "Now it's mine."

"What's to stop me from dropping you right where you stand?" Din question tauntingly.

"Because I have a sharpshooter up on that ridge, with a locked scope that will unload by the time my body hits the ground."

Din tries looking around without moving much wondering where Kit had gone too, "I'm the one wearing Beskar. As soon as I see that muzzle flash, you're both dead."

"I didn't mean she was going to shoot you. My friend's locked onto that little companion of yours up on the hinge."

Din turns quickly to look at the blue light emitting from the mountain top, as he turns he scopes out the area but there's still no sign of Kit anyway.

"And if you remember," The sharpshooter calls, "I don't miss."

"Fennec?" He questions looking up at the sniper.

"You have a keen ear, Mando."

He looks between the two of them and then settles his gaze on the woman, "You point that gun away from the kid or I'll drop you both where you stand." He flicks his wrist activating his whistling birds.

Raising his hands the man sighs, "Let's all put down our weapons, have a chat. There's no need for bloodshed."

"Tell her to drop the gun." Din orders.

"After you put down the jetpack."

"Same time."

"Stan down!" He yells up to Fennec who stands and the makes her way down.

Din lowers his blaster and takes off his jetpack as he lowers his own weapon.

Fennec takes off her helmet as she stands beside the man, "You look like you've just seen a ghost."

"She was left for dead on the sands of Tatooine, as was I. But fate steps in to rescue the wretched." The man explains.

"In my case, Boba Fett was that fate." She peels back the fabric on her stomach to reveal programming inside of her, "And I am now in his service."

"That's very touching," Kit says placing her blaster against Fett's head, "Now tell me why you aren't dead at the bottom of a Sarlacc pit where I left you?"

Fennec jumps not expecting the sudden appearance spinning with her blaster out and pointing it at the girl but Boba remains stood there with a sigh, "Kenobi." He greets.

"Fett." She says in the same tone.

He turns quickly knocking the blaster from her hand, he grabs his own and she hits it away just as fast. Din and Fennec both quickly train their blasters on each other.

Kit lifts her hand, white sabre illuminated at his neck, "Purple suited you better."

"Sand suited you better."

"Kit." Din says watching her carefully.

She doesn't acknowledge him as she and Boba keep their gazes on each other, "Kit." He says again.

She sighs, lowering her lightsabre and hanging it on her belt as she uses the force to bring both weapons to herself.

Holding his blaster out to him as he goes to take it she brings it back to herself, "One wrong move, and your head will be rolling around on the ground just like your father's."

He takes the weapon from her, holstering it as she steps away slowly her eye staying on the pair across from them, "I want my armor back."

"It goes against the Mandalorian Creed."

"The armor was given to my father, Jango, by your forebears. In exchange, I guarantee the safety of the Child, as well as your own."

Fennec looks to Kit, now realising who she is, "The bounties on your little friends have risen significantly. You can buy twenty suits of armor for the price on their heads."

"Or I can kill you both right now and you're one less problem." Kit says stepping forward with her hand resting on her lightsabre.

Din quickly catches her elbow and brings her back into his chest stopping her from attacking either of them, "I'd say we're offering a fair deal under the circumstances."

An Imperial ship approaches above them making them all watch as it lands not too far away.

Din takes off running towards the kid and Kit stays looking at the two people opposite her, "One wrong move." She says through gritted teeth before following after the Mandalorian.

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