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✦✦✦✦ Krill Farmers ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Krill Farmers ✦✦✦✦

"Well, looks like they are happy to see us." Mando comments as the kids run over to the cart.

Cara smiles at the kids as they coo at the Child, "Looks like."

Kit throws herself over the edge landing on her feet as she looks around, "Let's go." Mando says handing her a large crate as they follow one of the villagers.

"Please come in," A woman, Omera, says, "I hope this is comfortable for you. Sorry that all we have is the barn."

"This will do fine." Mando says stiffly.

"I stacked some blankets over here."

"Thank you. That's...very kind."

Kit places the kid in his crib and throws the crate down, "Be careful with that."

"Be careful yourself." She says back grabbing a blanket from the pile and throwing it onto one of the beds for herself.

A small girl enters and Mando flinches looking over at her, the girl jumps back running outside and Kit rolls her eyes, "Way to go." She mumbles.

"This is my daughter Winta," Omera says wrapping an arm around the girl, "We don't get a lot of visitors around here. She's not used to strangers. This nice man and lady are going to help protect us from the bad ones."

"Thank you." Despite not being a big people's person, Kit smiles at Winta, she reminds her of herself at a young age, curious of the world around her and wanting to know more.

"Come on, Winta. Let's give our guests some room."

They both leave and Kit flops down onto the bed behind her with a sigh. She looks up squinting at a certain splinter in the wood on the wall as she thinks how to word the things inside her head.

She needs to tell him soon. She needs to tell him that she is leaving when they help these people, she's always been better by herself, and she'll just bring danger to the Child if she is around.

Mando doesn't want her around forever, and she needs to find Luke, she needs answer about herself and her family, and he is the one who can help her find them, she just needs to find him first.

"Tin-man-" She stars only to get interrupted as Omera walks into the hut.

"Knock, knock."

Mando looks between Kit who turns away shaking her head and then the villager, "Come in."

"I'm going to find Cara." Kit says stiffly leaving the hut and nodding at Omera as she goes.

"But don't you want-" Omera doesn't get to finish as Kit has already left.

Kit leans against one of the houses, talking to Cara and one of the villagers over her life in the Rebellion and some adventures she had watching the Child run around with the kids, unaware of the pair of brown eyes watching her form not too far away.

"What're you planning?" Cara asks suddenly.

Kit turns to her with a questioning look as she squints slightly, "What?"

"I remember that look," Cara muses, "That's the look you got when the General told you specifically not to go towards the enemy back on Hoth, you just jumped right in that X-Wing and flew towards them anyway."

Kit sighs looking down at her dirt covered boots, "I'm leaving," She tells her, "After this whole thing. Me being here, it's just putting the kid into more danger, and Tin-Man doesn't want me around forever."

Cara raises a brow at her while making a face, "You sure about that?"

"Very, all we do is argue back and forth."

Cara smirks knowingly as she kicks herself off the wall, "I'm not so sure about that. The arguing, yes, but the him not wanting you around.."

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